핸드폰 대리점 Difference between mobile phone direct store VS agency VS retail store VS mobile shop

핸드폰 대리점To purchase a mobile phone in Korea, you must visit a mobile carrier distribution store. Some places sell terminals from all three mobile carriers, such as SK Telecom, KT, and LG U+, while others only handle terminals from specific mobile carriers. Let’s now summarize what the differences are.

First, a ‘directly managed store’ means that it is operated directly by a mobile telecommunication company or subsidiary, and only has the logo of one of SKT, KT, or LGU+. All employees working at the headquarters receive basic salary + sales allowance, and the store’s monthly rent, interior design expenses, All electricity bills, etc. are borne by telecommunication. Therefore, it can act as an offline customer center and can do things such as billing call details or lending a rental phone. There aren’t that many, just one in one area.

Second, the ‘agency’ is also a store that uses the telecommunication company’s signboard, and if you look closely, it is also written as an official agency. Just like a directly managed store, it only handles one telecommunication company, but it functions like a chain store. The general public signs a separate contract with the telecommunication company and directly pays interior design costs and monthly rent, so it can be considered a self-employed store. So the profit structure is a little different. First of all, there is a one-time income called a sales incentive that is received every time a mobile phone is sold, and when customers who sign up there pay monthly communication fees, a portion of the commission is taken every month. This is the main source of income. So, since the contract period is important, the dealer says you should use it for several months. Therefore, agencies have no choice but to focus on attracting subscribers. And because dealerships are subject to the management of telecommunication companies, they can never provide additional discounts to buyers. However, an additional payment of 15% of the publicly announced subsidy is possible.

In addition, since the mobile carrier’s computer system is registered, tasks such as receipt, change, and cancellation are possible, and terminal activation can be performed directly within the store.

Third, ‘distributor’ refers to a place that has entered into a contract with an agency. The store handles terminals from all three mobile carriers, including SK Telecom, KT, and LG U+, and products are received from dealers. In other words, if the agency is a wholesaler, you can think of the sales outlet as a retailer. Since the store does not have a separate mobile carrier’s computer system, it has no authority to open the service and cannot perform changes, cancellations, etc. However, some stores provide storage services.

In the case of a retail store, it operates by receiving a margin on terminal sales. When a retail store sells a device to a customer, the retail store eats the device margin and the agency receives a portion of the monthly fee as a commission.
Therefore, there are quite a few stores that recommend devices with higher margins to consumers. Therefore, in terms of price, it can be said that it is the cheapest to buy it at a store. However, haven’t you heard that it cannot be said unconditionally? The word hogaeng is not used as a slang term for nothing, so you need to be careful.

Fourth, offline mobile shops operated by manufacturers such as Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are mobile phone corners of stores that sell home appliances such as Hi-Mart, Digital Plaza, and Best Shop. They can be opened through all three mobile carriers, but they are not stores. Because this place has each agency code. In other words, you can think of it as three dealerships gathered together. Please note that it is only sold at 100% regular price and no discounts.

핸드폰 대리점
