휠체어 무료 대여 Free wheelchair rental

How to rent a wheelchair and medical equipment for free

It’s good to know in advance today, and if you need it now, I’d like to introduce you to a better life knowledge. How to rent a wheelchair and medical equipment for free… If you do not have private insurance that can claim even medical equipment, the moment you need medical equipment such as a wheelchair in a sudden accident, I think there will be a burden. In such cases, there are medical devices supported by the government that can be borrowed free of charge, and today I will introduce how to use them. If you are interested, please refer to it.

Access to the National Insurance Corporation

휠체어 무료 대여
First of all, wheelchairs and medical devices that can be rented free of charge are available through the National Insurance Corporation. You have to visit the branch office of the Insurance Corporation and apply, but in order to check with your own eyes that there is such a thing, the first step is to connect to the National Insurance Corporation. Below is a screenshot of the National Insurance Corporation website…

Free medical equipment rental including wheelchairs can be checked through the ‘Here’s a Civil Service’ category above. There are items such as ‘Civil Information’, ‘Individual Civil Complaint’, ‘Business Site Civil Complaint’, ‘Consultation Inquiry’ and ‘Report Center’. You can enter ‘Personal Complaint’. 휠체어 무료 대여

If you enter the ‘Personal Complaints’ section, the screen will change to the one shown below. 좋은뉴스

Among the various items on the left, find and enter the ‘Insurance Benefits’ item in the middle.

If you look at the third item from the bottom of the insurance benefit category, you will see ‘Rentable Auxiliary Device Inquiry’. The information you need to know today – wheelchairs and free medical equipment rentals – can be found right here.

When you enter ‘Search assistive devices available for rental’, the screen changes to the screen below. If you enter ‘Status of remaining assistive devices by branch’ in the middle, you can see the status of medical assistive devices in the area where you live or the area you want to rent. You can check.

Below is the situation at the moment I checked… Starting with Seoul and Gangwon, Daejeon, Sejong, Chungcheong, and Incheon, Gyeonggi, you can see the situation of medical aids available for free rental in all regions. If there are any remaining medical devices available for rental, you can borrow them immediately free of charge, so it’s a good idea to check here.


Those who can borrow medical aid equipment free of charge are National Health Insurance subscribers and recipients of medical benefits. However, it is said that patients who are currently receiving inpatient treatment at a nursing institution are excluded from the target. The types of assistive devices available for rental are 2 types of wheelchairs, 2 types of walking aids, and aluminum crutches. The basic rental period is 2 months, and a 1-month extension is possible twice, so you can use it for up to 4 months.

As for the rental method, the applicant or the borrower must bring an identification card and visit the rental branch to apply. Before that, the first step is to check if there are any medical aids that can be rented through the website of the National Health Insurance Corporation, which I introduced today.


In this simple way, we introduced a way to rent medical equipment, including wheelchairs, for free. It may be information that you want to know in advance, but there is nothing wrong with knowing anything. If you are in need of a free medical device rental right now, we recommend that you refer to the information introduced today and use it. I hope you will take note.