1주택 전세자금대출 Is it possible to get a deposit loan for a single-home owner? | When you’re curious, Aha!

1주택 전세자금대출I remember that during the previous government era, mortgage loans were blocked for single-home owners. Is it possible now? Please provide detailed explanation.
hello. Hyeong-soon Lim is a licensed real estate agent. A lease loan is now available for single-home owners in non-regulated areas.
A jeonse loan guarantee is now available for couples with a combined income of more than 100 million won and those who own one house with a market value of more than 900 million won, who were excluded from the existing jeonse loan guarantee. However, multiple homeowners, owners of one apartment worth more than 300 million won in speculative areas and overheated speculation districts, etc. are guaranteed. Loans are not possible due to continued restrictions. Also, not all jeonse products are available, and the loan limit is individual depending on your income and existing loan. You will receive the most effective answer by providing specific facts about the amount available and consulting directly with the financial institution. ?
Please also refer to the article below https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=04267286635482968&mediaCodeNo=257&OutLnkChk=Y

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hello. I am Young-Kwan Kim, a licensed real estate agent.
If you currently own a single home, a lease loan is available. Deposit loans are not available for two houses or more.

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hello. This is Yoo Chang-hyo, a licensed real estate agent.
Even single-home owners can take out a lease loan. However, you may only be able to apply for a jeonse loan up to the limit if you do not have a mortgage on your existing home. Therefore, if you have a mortgage on your previous home, you can repay it, register it for cancellation, and then apply for a jeonse loan.

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hello. Kang-ae Lee is a licensed real estate agent.
Mortgage loans or rental deposit return loans are available for tenant eviction.
You can borrow within the limit by applying LTV and DTI, and you must sign up for a deposit return guarantee and pay a guarantee fee.

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hello. This is a great real estate agent.
Before the regulation on multiple homeowners in October 2018, a jeonse loan was available not only for one home but also for multiple homeowners.
After the regulations, only one house can receive a deposit loan.
Except for the jeonse loan provided by the government exclusively for the homeless, it is also available in general financial institutions.

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