2024 실업급여 신청방법 Summary of eligibility requirements and how to apply for unemployment benefits in 2024

2024 실업급여 신청방법Unemployment benefits are subsidies provided to promote economic stability and re-employment of workers when they lose their jobs at a job covered by employment insurance. They include job-seeking benefits, employment promotion allowances, extended benefits, and sickness benefits.

Generally, the unemployment benefits that people refer to are job-seeking benefits, so the unemployment benefits examined in this post refer to job-seeking benefits.

In 2024, unemployment benefits will be paid at 60% of the average wage for the three months before job change (retirement) to general workers within the legal upper and lower limits, and for artists and labor providers, 60% of the average pay for one year before job change. As the minimum wage is set every year, the lower limit changes.

The upper and lower limits considering the minimum wage of 9,860 won in 2024 are as follows.

※Number of prescribed benefit days: Period during which unemployment (job-seeking) benefits can be received
In May 2023, in order to prevent illegal receipt of unemployment (job-seeking) benefits, the conditions for unemployment benefits will be revised to be more stringent than before, and the number and scope of job-seeking activities by type will vary, and the types of recipients will be categorized in more detail.
In principle, the reason for retirement must be involuntary. This does not apply to cases of retirement due to reasons such as job change, housework, self-employment, or due to one’s own fault. However, even if you voluntarily quit your job, you can still receive unemployment benefits if the reasons below apply, so please check.

This must be a case where you are unable to find a job even though you are actively seeking work with the will and ability to work, and acknowledging the fact that you are actively seeking work is called recognition of unemployment. All activities for finding a job, such as applying for a job, interviewing, job training, and taking qualification tests, are included.

The criteria for recognizing unemployment benefits vary depending on the type of recipient.
※Re-employment activities that are recognized as unemployed are divided into job-seeking activities and activities other than job-seeking.

The number of prescribed benefit days is the period during which unemployment benefits (job-seeking benefits) can be received, ranging from a minimum of 4 months to a maximum of 9 months (120 days – 270 days), depending on the worker’s age and employment insurance coverage period (at a workplace where employment insurance is applied). It varies depending on the length of time worked.

You must visit the employment center in your area of ​​residence within 12 months from the date of retirement and apply for unemployment. Not only can you not apply for unemployment benefits after 12 months, but the period for receiving unemployment benefits is also within 12 months from the day after the date of retirement, so it is important to apply as soon as possible.
This is not our job, and the company must submit a loss report and job change confirmation. It takes about 10 days to submit and process, and you can check it on the Employment Insurance website.

Click at the link below!
Employment Insurance
* This simulated calculation may differ from the actual one. * This mock calculation may vary depending on the prescribed working hours, etc.

Apply for a job on the Worknet website. Worknet job search registration is a necessary procedure to receive government support related to job search.

Worknet – Recruitment/Employment Search
Job Fairs There are no job fairs currently in progress. see more

In order to receive unemployment benefits, you can take the online training on unemployment benefits provided on the Employment Insurance website, or visit the employment center in your jurisdiction and take the employment support briefing session for unemployment benefit applicants.

Submit the application form and related documents provided during the online training or briefing session online or by visiting the employment center. The important thing is to note that you must submit an application for eligibility within 14 days of completing the online course.

Please note that once your application is completed, your eligibility will be determined within approximately 2 weeks.

We learned more about how to apply for unemployment benefits in 2024, eligibility conditions, and payment amounts. I hope this will be helpful to those applying for unemployment benefits in 2024. thank you

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2024 실업급여 신청방법
