24시 약국 찾기 Find a 24-hour pharmacy

Let’s learn how to find a 24-hour pharmacy on weekends or holidays. If you suddenly have a stomachache or feel achy in the early morning, you can stop by a nearby 24-hour pharmacy and take medicine.

24시 약국

24시 약국

Therefore, today we will learn how to find a pharmacy that is available 24 hours a day. We will learn how to quickly find a pharmacy that is available through the several methods below (please refer to the three methods below)

Hide table of contents
1 How to find a nearby 24-hour pharmacy
1.1 Install the app (APK)
1.2 Emergency Medical Information Portal
1.3 Holiday Keeper Pharmacy
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How to find a 24-hour pharmacy nearby
Install an app (APK)

1. These days, if you install various apps related to hospitals or pharmacies, you can immediately find 24-hour pharmacies there. You can quickly find information about pharmacies nearby or open at night and on weekends. It is simple to use.

Use the pharmacy app
2. Once you are in the app, pay attention to the “Don’t endure it and go to the hospital when you’re sick” section in the middle of the screen. If you enter the second pharmacy menu here, you can find information about the pharmacy.

You can usually find a 24-hour pharmacy near your home. Refer to the categories at the top and select night pharmacy, holiday pharmacy, open Saturday pharmacy, etc. and check the search results below.

View map
3. If you want to know the location in more detail, select the map view located at the bottom right and you can see information about the pharmacy on the map.

Do not visit right away just because you found information about a pharmacy. Call the pharmacy in advance to find out if it is open before visiting.

✅ Quick cleanup

Install pharmacy-related apps
Select the second pharmacy menu
Check search results by referring to the categories above
Please contact us before visiting.
Install the 24-hour pharmacy finder app
Emergency medical information portal

1. You can use the Emergency Medical Information Portal site to immediately search for a nearby 24-hour pharmacy. This site allows you to quickly check the locations of hospitals and pharmacies. Please go to the official website.

Check the emergency medical information portal menu
2. If you have moved, you can immediately find a nearby 24-hour pharmacy by selecting Find a Pharmacy in the Hospital/Pharmacy menu in the second menu.

How to reset your location
3. If you go to the page, you must set the location. If it does not match your location, you can change the location by resetting the location.

Then, if you look at the bottom, you can find detailed information about pharmacies operating 24 hours a day within the location you just set, including name, phone number, and detailed geographic location. However, even here, we recommend that you call and ask before visiting.

✅ Quick cleanup

Go to emergency medical information portal
Find a pharmacy in the second menu
After resetting the location, check the search results below
Check the location of the pharmacy name and phone number on the right.
visit the pharmacy
Go to emergency medical information portal E-GEN
Holiday Keeper Pharmacy

1. There is also a way to use the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy website operated by the Korean Pharmaceutical Association. However, we do not recommend that site depending on your needs.

The reason is that the updated information about the pharmacy is not as up-to-date as other methods. First, please visit the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy.

How to find a 24-hour pharmacy near you
2. If you have entered the official website, you can search by selecting Holiday Pharmacy, 24/7 Pharmacy, and Late Night Pharmacy.

You can quickly find search results by entering the date, time, and area you want to search in detail and clicking the search button.

How to find a nearby 24-hour pharmacy 2
3. Search results can be checked in the following order: pharmacy name, address, phone number, operating hours, and map view.

We recommend that you check by phone in advance before visiting. If you are curious about the detailed geographical location, please refer to the map view.

If you look at the classification, year-round refers to pharmacies open all year round, and nighttime refers to pharmacies operating after 10 p.m., and late-night refers to pharmacies open throughout the year and at night.