인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법 How to find lost items at Incheon Airport

How to find lost items at Incheon Airport! Summary (feat. Suitcase, Wallet, Passport)

인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법
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인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법

How to find lost items at Incheon Airport.

If you are on your way home after a trip at Incheon Airport,


What if you remember the suitcase or wallet you left behind??


Just thinking about it makes me feel creepy…


Today we will tell you how to deal with such a situation!


to the first situation

What if you lost your item in Incheon Airport?

This is one of the most common situations

You can go directly to the lost and found office in Incheon Airport!!

The lost and found office is run by the airport police.


It is a place that handles various lost and found items in the airport!

Thanks to the reliable airport police, lost and found items are safely stored!!


Where is the lost property office located?

The lost and found office is divided into two locations, Terminal 1 and Terminal 2!

Source: Incheon International Airport website (https://www.airport.kr/ap/ko/index.do)


In the case of Passenger Terminal 1


It is located on the west side of the first basement floor of the passenger terminal (next to Incheon International Airport CS Academy).

Source: Incheon International Airport website (https://www.airport.kr/ap/ko/index.do)

In the case of Passenger Terminal 2


It is located inside the Central Government Complex on the 2nd floor!

Now let’s consider another situation.


What if you don’t know where you lost your item???

National Police Agency Lost and Found Portal (https://www.lost112.go.kr/)

In that case, the Incheon International Airport Lost and Found office is also good.


If you report it to the National Police Agency Lost and Found Portal


You can search for lost items in a wider range.


Link to the National Police Agency’s Lost and Found portal (https://www.lost112.go.kr/)

Other than that, if you know a specific location?

Source: Incheon Airport blog (https://blog.naver.com/airportpr)

If you know the exact location of the lost


Check the table above (general area, aircraft, duty-free area, transportation area)

Just give us a call and we can help!!


Then you need to figure out how to pick up the lost property now, right?

How to collect lost items


Lost items can be collected in three ways.


It is divided into direct pick-up, agent pick-up, courier and quick service pick-up.



1. Direct pick up


Direct pick-up is possible at the Lost and Found Office.

There are essential items to bring with you at this time!!!!

You will need two things: your ID and receipt number (required memo!!)


2. Receipt of agent


What should I do if I am unable to receive it?

In this case, use the proxy pickup.

However, in order for an agent to receive it, a power of attorney must be prepared and delivered to the lost and found office.

(Check the link below for the form related to the power of attorney)


3. Courier, quick service pickup


Courier and quick service are also recipients by proxy, so a power of attorney must be prepared.

However, there is one caveat.

Damage-prone items such as strollers, alcohol, DSLRs, and large amounts of cash

Please note that you cannot receive it by courier or quick service!!



Link to power of attorney: https://www.airport.kr/ap_cnt/ko/cus/lost/opegui/opegui.do

※ Receipt of the agent can be delegated for the entire item, but partial delegation is not possible



Today, when you lose something in Incheon Airport

I learned how to deal with it and how to receive it!!

Any help??


If it was helpful, please give me a thumbs up!!!


Then, I will come back with an informative Incheon Airport post next time!!

[Source] How to find lost items at Incheon Airport! Summary (feat. Carrier, Wallet, Passport) | Author Lee Ji-hoon