국제면허증 발급방법(feat. 준비물, 비용, 유효기간, 가능국가) International driver’s license issuance method (feat. materials, cost, validity period, available countries)

How to issue an international driver’s license

국제면허증 발급방법
international driver’s license

An international driver’s license is a certificate required when driving a vehicle abroad. In this article, we will smartly organize how to issue an international driver’s license.

1. Conditions for issuing an international driver’s license

First, the method of issuing an international driver’s license must generally meet the following conditions.

국제면허증 발급방법

ㅁYou must have a valid driver’s license in Korea.
You must have an overseas travel plan.
ㅁYou must meet the requirements for issuance of a driver’s license in the country you wish to issue.

2. Materials for International Driving Permit and Issuance Procedure
Prepare 2 photos for issuance of international driver’s license (passport, driver’s license, 1 passport photo taken within 6 months, etc.).
Domestic driver’s license holders can obtain an international driver’s license from the Ministry of Public Administration and Security or the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (online/offline).

Go to Application for International Driver’s License
Access the homepage, enter your name and resident registration number as shown in the picture, and click OK.

Then, for real name authentication, select one of the five methods below to authenticate yourself. Then proceed according to the instructions.



3. International driver’s license validity period and notes

ㅇ The validity period of an international driver’s license is valid for one year from the date of issuance.


ㅇThe international driver’s license fee is 8,500 won.

ㅇInternational driver’s license has the same validity period as domestic driver’s license. If your domestic driver’s license has expired, your international driver’s license will not be valid either.

ㅇ Since the issuance conditions may differ for each country you wish to issue, you must check the driver’s license issuance requirements of the country before issuing an international driver’s license.

ㅇ An international driver’s license can be used in Korea as well as a domestic driver’s license. However, it is not valid only abroad, so you must have a domestic driver’s license.

ㅇ It is not possible to issue an international driver’s license in situations such as license suspension or cancellation. When issuing an international driver’s license, carefully check that your driver’s license is not suspended or revoked.


4. Status of countries where international driving licenses can be used (as of February 17, 22)

Status of countries* where international driving licenses can be used in Korea (as of February 17, 22)
* ‘Countries, etc.’ includes regions with independent driver’s license systems.
Asia, Pacific
New Zealand, Republic of China, Laos, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Australia, India, Japan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau
Guatemala, Dominican Republic, United States of America, Barbados, Venezuela, Argentina, Haiti, Ecuador, Jamaica, Chile, Canada, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Paraguay, Peru
Vatican, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Romania, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Montenegro, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, San Marino, Serbia, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Iceland, Ireland, Albania, United Kingdom , Austria, Italy, Georgia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Turkey, Portugal, Poland, France, Finland, Hungary, Estonia
Middle East, Africa
Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Niger, Lebanon, Lesotho, Rwanda, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Malta, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Syria, Sierra Leone, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Jordan, Uganda, Israel, Egypt, Central African Republic, Zimbabwe, Côte d’Ivoire, Congo, Republic of the Congo, Togo, Tunisia


Issuance of an international driver’s license is an essential certificate for a person with a domestic driver’s license to drive a vehicle abroad. Check the requirements of the country you wish to issue,

It is important to check if you can obtain one in your country. Based on this, after filling out the issuance application form, paying the issuance fee, and going through screening, you can get an international driver’s license issued.

Above, we learned about how to issue an international driver’s license.