휴대폰 요금 미납 및 정지 ,해제조건, 납부방법 Non-payment and suspension of mobile phone bills, cancellation conditions, payment methods

How to check cell phone unpaid bills
휴대폰 요금 미납

In the case of cell phone bills, if you do not use automatic payment, there are cases where you forget to pay. Late payments on small amounts, such as cell phone bills, can have a negative impact on your credit score

In the case of communication charges such as cell phones, it is a relatively small amount of the amount to be paid, so if you do not designate direct debit, forgetting and overdue frequently occurs. The problem is that it has a bad impact on your credit score when you are overdue due to unpaid communication fees. In the case of credit scores, you will receive the most penalties for overdue small amounts such as utility bills, micropayments, cell phone bills, etc.

휴대폰 요금 미납

Therefore, cell phone bills should never be unpaid or overdue. The best way is to set up automatic payment of communication charges.

If you are not currently paying your cell phone bill automatically, or if you are curious about how to check your unpaid cell phone bill details, please refer to the article below.

▼ How to check unpaid cell phone bills ▼

How to check unpaid cell phone bills
As of May 2022, the number of subscribers to domestic mobile carriers was counted at 55,538,014. It is a slightly higher number than the current population of Korea, which is 51.62 million. In terms of the ratio, each person has one cell phone, but if you include minors or children, you can think of it as about two cell phones per person. As much as this number of subscribers indicates, the number of people who are unpaid for mobile phone bills also appears insignificant. The problem is that automatic transfers do not occur frequently. What if my cell phone bill is unpaid without my knowledge? Details…


How to look up unpaid bills from telecommunication companies

Those who are using the three major domestic mobile carriers (SKT, KT, LGU+) can view unpaid bills through the app provided by the carrier.

Since I am a SKT user, I will show you how to check unpaid bills in the SKT app, mobile T world.

First, launch the app, then proceed as follows.

Click the magnifying glass at the top right and search for ‘Unpaid bill inquiry’. After that, click on Unpaid Bill Lookup in the search results.

In my case, since I use automatic payment, unpaid bills are not checked. If there are unpaid charges, they will appear in the result window above.

✅ You can check how to set up automatic cell phone payment card payment below.

▼ How to apply for automatic payment using a mobile phone bill card ▼

Communication fee discount card

When using automatic telecommunication bill card payment, it would be better to use a telecommunication fee discount card, right? Check out the article below for details on the types of discount cards and their benefits.

▼ Top 3 telecom discount cards ▼

Top 3 telecom discount card recommendation (cell phone telecommunications charge discount) – financial information at a glance
It is safe to say that there are few people who do not use mobile phones (smartphones) anymore. Now, home phones have disappeared and personal cell phones have become widespread. In line with the trend, credit card companies are continuing to produce cards that offer discounts on communication charges.


How to look up unpaid bills at the customer service center of the telecommunications company

If you are not used to touching your cell phone, you can inquire about unpaid cell phone bills through the customer center of your telecommunications company.

SKT Customer Center: 080-011-6000 (free) / 1599-0011 without an area code (paid)

KT customer center: 100 without area code (paid)

LGU+ Customer Center: 1544-0010 (paid)

Please note that other carriers, except for SKT, incur separate communication charges.

How to look up unpaid cell phone bills online

If, for some reason, you cannot use the above two methods, you can inquire about unpaid charges online.

You can view all overdue details, including mobile phone bills, by checking your credit information on the broadcasting and telecommunications credit information joint management site. The verification procedure is as follows.

1. Access to the broadcasting communication credit information joint management site

2. Click to view your credit information

3. Check for consent to access personal information and collection and use of unique identification information


4. After selecting an identity verification method, enter your name and social security number and click Search (mobile phone verification is the easiest)

5. Check overdue details in your name

In my case, there is no inquiry history because there is no overdue history. If there is an overdue history, the overdue history will appear in the red box above.

What if your credit score went down because you didn’t pay your cell phone bill?

If you are in arrears for small expenses such as non-payment of cell phone bill (overdue) or non-payment of utility bills (overdue), it will have a huge impact on your credit score. Therefore, these micropayments should never be in arrears. If your credit score has gone down because you already have an overdue history, you can improve your credit score through the information presented below.