깨진 그릇 버리는 법 The correct way to dispose of broken dishes

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How should I dispose of broken dishes? I wonder if I should throw it away with recycling or general trash.

깨진 그릇 버리는 법

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Broken bowls are not recycled regardless of the material. 깨진 그릇 버리는 법
It is a rule to dispose of incombustible waste in special sacks (bags).
If you are collecting separately from an apartment separate collection point, throw it there. 1분전
Because of the material of the bowl, such as glass or porcelain, it is easy to mistake it for recycling, but broken bowls are not recycled regardless of the material. Occasionally, there are cases in which broken dishes, etc. can be disposed of at the separate collection point of an apartment building, but this is not because it is recycled, but to collect them at the apartment level and dispose of them separately according to the waste disposal method.


In principle, broken glass, mirrors, pottery, earthenware pots, etc. are classified as non-combustible waste and must be disposed of in a special non-combustible waste bag. (Not regular volume-rate bags) Non-combustible volume-rate bags (or non-combustible sacks) can be purchased at community centers, local hardware stores, and discount stores, and the smallest size is 20 liters.


However, in reality, a small bowl is broken at home, and it would be difficult to throw it away while purchasing a 20-liter special sacks. Therefore, it is commonly used to wrap broken dishes in newspaper or air caps, etc., and put them in a pay-as-you-go bag before disposing of them.


However, you know that this is just for convenience, and it is a rule to put it in a non-combustible waste bag and throw it away, and if the volume or quantity of dishes is large, you must purchase a sack exclusively for non-combustible waste and throw it away. If there is a place to do it, it should be discharged there.