주거복지사 시험 Residential welfare worker test schedule and written practical test pass rate

주거복지사 시험The recent single grade (official) test pass rate statistics are 16 years 87% 17 years 71% 18 years 45% 19 years 56% 20 years 46%

Recent pass rate statistics

– Qualification name: Certified Housing Welfare Professional – Registration number: 2014-1368 – Department in charge: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport – Qualification issuing institution: Korea Housing Society (TEL: 02-565-5339) Welfare workers refer to professional personnel who support the housing stability of households who are unable to solve housing problems on their own. Duties include housing survey and business execution for housing vouchers, identification of support recipients, needs survey, housing condition evaluation, residential resource counseling for the underprivileged, establishment of linkage with community resources, preparation of housing-related service application documents and administrative processing support, civil Including discovering and proposing government/public housing welfare projects

ㅇ Single grade (accredited)-Number of tests (times)  2 times in 18 years, 1 time in 19 years, 1 time in 20 years. Year 774 The latest average is 969- The number of applicants (persons)  675 in 18, 606 in 19, 681 in 20 The latest average is 868 – Applicant rate (%)  86% in 18, 87 in 19 %, 88% in 20 years The recent average is 89%- The number of students who acquired the degree (persons) 307 in 18, 341 in 19, and 311 in 20 The recent average is 573 – Pass rate (%)  45% in 18, 56% in 2019, 46% in 20. The recent average is 61%

Number of applicants and application rate

Number of applicants and pass rate

Recent exam statistics

Private qualification basic information (Residential welfare worker) – Private qualification search – Qualification information – Private qualification information service
Private Qualification Search Home Qualification Information Private Qualification Search Qualification Information Residential Welfare Specialists refer to professional personnel who support housing stability from a welfare perspective for households who have difficulty solving housing problems on their own. Jobs subject to housing vouchers

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