처음 주식하는 방법 How to buy stocks in 5 steps: how to start trading stocks – IT TECH STOCK

처음 주식하는 방법IT TECH STOCK

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Beginners who start stocks for the first time will be learning how to do simple stocks. In this article, the contents are organized so that stock beginners can easily understand.
The first thing you need to do to start investing in stocks is to open a securities account. A securities account is similar to a typical bank account, but provides comprehensive financial transaction functionality.
There are many different criteria for selecting a brokerage firm, but the first thing to consider is definitely low fees. There are a wide variety of securities companies, including Kiwoom Securities, NH Investment & Securities, Shinhan Financial Investment, and Eugene Investment & Securities.
The ranking of securities companies can vary depending on what criteria are used. The standard could be brand reputation index, debt ratio, performance, number of members, total equity, etc.
In conclusion, rankings of securities companies fluctuate periodically according to various criteria. In addition, there is no big difference in commission fees for each brokerage firm, but since each brokerage company holds events on a regular basis, it is recommended to check carefully and select a favorable condition before signing up.
There are two main ways to open a securities account.
You can easily open a non-face-to-face stock account with just your mobile phone and ID. However, please note that in the case of minors and foreigners, each securities company may have additional documents to submit.
What you need to do after opening a securities account is to transfer seed money to your securities account. It can be processed by account transfer, which is used by most people, or by using a bank window or ATM machine.
The amount to be used for investment must be started with surplus funds, and never take out a loan or borrow money from people around you to invest.

The most important part of successful stock investing is choosing which stock to invest in. However, when selecting stocks to invest in, a thorough preliminary research should be the basis, and please never decide to invest by a third party.

If you make an investment in a stock recommended by others and make a profit as a beginner’s luck works, you will inevitably return it to the market. Don’t forget that this huge capital market is relentless to the unprepared.

Buying and selling can be done with just a few touches or clicks if you have opened a brokerage account, but there are a few things to be aware of.
Comparison of securities companies by item and comparison of stock transaction fees can be directly compared through the Korea Financial Investment Association’s electronic disclosure service.
Learned about the 5 steps to stock trading. If you are just starting to invest in stocks, please study steadily to minimize losses.
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