태아보험 가입시기 Find out when to buy insurance for twins and compare twin insurance and insurance premiums for twins – Traffic News

태아보험 가입시기If you need fetal insurance, you should carefully refer to the insurance period for each insurance company. If you do not fall under the subscription period set by the insurance company, it may be difficult to sign up. You can apply for fetal insurance from life insurance companies from 16 to 22 weeks after conception, and non-life insurance companies accept subscription within 22 weeks. In general, insurance companies may not allow subscription even if there is only a record that there is an abnormality in the first deformity test. It is recommended to refer to the comparison site (http://insucollection.co.kr/jbaby/ins_code=bohumbigyo&calculation_type=1&checktype=baby) when checking for more details in this regard.
If you are born with a low birth weight or have a disability, you will be hospitalized in an incubator, so it is good to configure the contents of insurance based on these expenses. In addition, there is an insurance that can add a special contract to cover conditions such as pregnancy toxemia for mothers and postpartum depression that can occur immediately after childbirth. Depending on the composition of the special contract, the contents of the guarantee will vary greatly. It is helpful to design a guarantee that reflects family history.
It is good to be prepared to be guaranteed in any situation through various special contracts, but you can boldly exclude special contracts that guarantee unnecessary contents or for treatments that are unlikely to occur when designing fetal insurance. The wider the coverage, the higher the premium, which can have a negative impact on maintaining the insurance itself. Therefore, rather than focusing too much on coverage, it is necessary to focus on the cost of treating diseases with a relatively high probability of occurrence.
After one year, it will be converted to children’s insurance, and you can configure a guarantee so that your children who will grow up can maintain their health well. Since the immune system may be more degraded compared to adults, even mild illnesses can be exposed frequently. In addition, there may be cases where injuries such as fractures or burns are frequently caused due to negligence, so a special contract can be added to ensure that the medical expenses incurred due to this are covered. Burns and fractures are not injuries that can be resolved overnight, so it can take days or even months.
As for burn treatment, the extent to which the cost is covered by the national health insurance system is quite limited, so there is a way to get the cost covered through children’s insurance. Depending on the insurance company, the standard for paying burn-related coverage also differs. Some insurance companies do not accept coverage for minor burns. When adding burn-related collateral, one of the targets that must be carefully checked is the insurance payment standard set forth in the special contract.
In cancer insurance, which adults can subscribe to, a waiver period is applied when paying diagnosis fees. The exemption period mentioned here is a period during which the insurer does not bear any obligation to pay insurance money for about 90 days, so it is impossible to guarantee payment such as diagnosis fees. Even if the exemption period has ended, there are restrictions such as receiving only a portion of the insurance money because the reduction period begins. However, the financial authorities do not separately apply these exemption periods and reduction periods when paying diagnosis fees from children’s insurance.
Children’s insurance also determines the coverage range depending on whether or not there is a special contract. Diseases such as cancer and brain diseases are relatively difficult to treat, so the burden of treatment is higher than other diseases. So, there is a special medicine that allows you to receive a diagnosis fee and use it for treatment expenses. In this special contract, unlike general cancer insurance, coverage begins immediately after signing up, so you do not have to worry about the exemption or reduction period. This is one of the advantages of child insurance over adult insurance. In addition, if you want to distinguish and sign up for a product with a high insurance payment rate for fetal insurance, please get direct counseling from the comparison site (http://insutradition.co.kr/jbaby/?ins_code=bohumbigyo&calculation_type=1&checktype=baby). On this site, you can check the guarantees of various products. As an example, regarding twin insurance, it is recommended to use it because you can find out and compare the twin fetus insurance subscription period, twin fetus insurance premiums, and find the product that suits you.

태아보험 가입시기
