민팃 시세조회 How to check Mintit used phone market price

민팃 시세조회Mintit used phone ATM sales review
As I replaced my smartphone with the iPhone 13 Pro, I disposed of the Galaxy Note 8 that I had been using for 4 years. I thought about selling it at the carrot market, but I sold it as a used phone through the ‘Mintit ATM’ that is widely used these days.
In order to sell a used phone in Mintit, you have to go to a place with an ATM machine, but you can access the internet and inquire about the approximate market price.
Mintit provides a page where you can search the market price of used phones you want to sell according to their grades. (Mintiat Price Inquiry Page)
Mintit Price Inquiry Page: Select Manufacturer

If you enter Mintit’s quote inquiry page, you can first select the manufacturer you want to inquire. I will click on Apple to inquire the market price of the ‘iPhone 13 Pro’ I have now.
Mintit Price Inquiry Page : Select Series

You can choose which series of iPhones you want to sell. You can choose from iPhone 3.
Mintit Price Inquiry Page : Select Model

Select the specific model of the selected iPhone 13 Pro series.
Mintit Price Inquiry Page: iPhone price information

When you select all the options, it tells you the current price according to the rating. After checking the status of the machine at the actual Mintit ATM machine, the price is determined according to the level.

You can find out the criteria by which ratings are given by clicking ‘Check Rating Criteria’.

Mintit used phone ATM sales review
As I replaced my smartphone with the iPhone 13 Pro, I disposed of the Galaxy Note 8 that I had been using for 4 years. I thought about selling it at the carrot market, but I sold it as a used phone through the ‘Mintit ATM’ that is widely used these days.

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