공무원 가족돌봄휴가 Civil servant family care leave usage conditions, supporting documents, paid conditions, application conditions

공무원 가족돌봄휴가You can use family care leave when:
No. 1: Cases where school opening is postponed due to infectious diseases, disasters, etc., and care is needed due to online classes, etc.
No. 2: Entrance ceremony, graduation ceremony, school festival, sports day, participation class, parent consultation, etc.
No. 4: Cases where you are hospitalized due to illness, accident, etc. or require care at home, etc.

Family care leave is limited to 10 days per year and is unpaid leave.

Public officials who meet the requirements of Article 20, Paragraph 14 of the National Civil Service Service Regulations are paid up to 2 days (16 hours) per year.
In case of item 4, paid leave is granted only when caring for a minor or disabled child.

In the following cases, up to 3 days (24 hours) per year are paid.
① If you have two or more children
② If even one child is disabled
③ Even if there is only one child, if the public official is the mother or father under Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the “Single-Parent Family Support Act”

Department heads must verify relevant supporting documents when approving paid family care leave. The supporting documents are as follows:
① Documents proving closure of daycare centers, school closures, school closures, or online classes, parent notices, family communications, etc.
② Medical certificate, confirmation, opinion, medical confirmation, detailed medical fee statement, medical fee invoice/receipt, prescription, pharmacy receipt, etc. that can prove hospital treatment (including vaccination certificate, infant health checkup result notification)
③ Disability registration certificate, family relationship certificate, etc. that can prove that you are subject to paid family care leave or addition.

Paid family care leave can be taken in increments of hours, while unpaid family care leave can only be taken in daily increments.
The head of the department must approve the “period (time) required to use family care leave” considering supporting documents, traffic conditions, round trip time, and statements from public officials.

If you have used up all your paid family care leave, you may be eligible to take unpaid family care leave. Even if you have paid family care leave remaining, you can still take unpaid family care leave to care for your child if you wish.

If you meet the requirements of Article 20, Paragraph 14 of the National Civil Service Service Regulations to take care of family members other than your children (including children who are not eligible for paid family care leave, such as adult children), you may receive unpaid family care leave.
① When approving unpaid family care leave, the department head must check a family relationship certificate that can prove the family relationship.
② If necessary for service management, the department head may request submission of supporting documents equivalent to the supporting documents related to approval of paid family care leave.
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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공무원 가족돌봄휴가

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