우편물 주소변경 Change all addresses at once after moving, a summary of 3 methods of address change service

우편물 주소변경Since I move every two years, changing my address is one of the most annoying things.
If your address changes, you may not receive important mail due to failure to change it in time, which could lead to even bigger problems.

I wrote down important information, such as banks, and made changes right away after moving. However, it becomes difficult to keep repeating it. I recently found out about a site that changes addresses in bulk, so I’m sharing the information.

Please change your address in one go without going through the trouble of changing it one by one. Today we will learn about three ways to change your address in bulk after moving.

Summary of address change services

First, this is an address transfer service provided by the post office. The residential relocation service is a service used through the Internet Post Office when you want to receive mail at your new address when your address has changed due to moving in or moving out. You can apply for the service in 3-month, 6-month, 9-month, or 12-month increments. For the same area, the first 3 months are free. You must pay to use other areas. <▼Go to Internet Post Office>

Only individuals can use the Internet, and businesses can go to the post office in person to apply. On the Internet Post Office website, click “Mail > Additional Services > Residential Relocation Service Application/Payment/Cancellation.”

Internet post office address transfer service

For individuals, the fee is free for within 3 months in the same area, and 4,000 won for extension of 3 months. For other areas, the same area costs 7,000 won, and a 3-month extension is also 7,000 won.

Address transfer service cost

KT Moving is a one-click address change service operated by KT. Address change service is a service that changes the address at once due to moving, etc. In the case of affiliated companies, everything is subject to change. Affiliates include telecommunication companies, credit card companies, banks, life insurance, fire insurance, distribution, automobiles, airlines, and oil companies. <▼ Go to KT Moving>

Apply to change your home address on the KT Moving website. You can also request a change in company address. Enter the road name address or street number address and click Request Change.

One-click address change service KT Moving

You can use the address change service for free without registering as a member. For use, I agree to the Terms of Use.

Agree to Terms of Use

To apply for an address change, you must verify your identity. It would be a bigger problem if you change your address even though someone else hasn’t moved. You can authenticate through cell phone authentication, i-PIN authentication, or public certificate authentication.

Verify your identity

Select the affiliate whose address you want to change.

Select an affiliate to change address

Select the date you wish to change your address. You can reflect the address information on the desired date through the desired address change date. If the desired address change date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the address information will be reflected on the next business day.

Enter the desired date for address change

Enter the address to be changed. Please make sure that the information entered is accurate. Click the Apply button to complete your application. You can check the application details in the address change history inquiry.

Enter the address to be changed

The last is the most recommended one-stop financial address service. To save you the hassle of having to visit or contact financial companies one by one to change your address, the Financial Address One-Time Service cooperates with financial companies to provide addresses for other financial companies all at once when you apply from one financial company you are using. This is a service that allows you to request changes. You can change almost all addresses at once. <▼ Go to financial address service at once>

Companies that can apply for address change include banks, securities, life insurance, non-life insurance, savings banks, credit cards, installment finance, leasing, Nonghyup, Suhyup, Shinhyup, Saemaeul Geumgo, and post offices. Only the applicant can apply, but foreigners can also apply if they have an alien registration number.

Financial address service at once

Click on the financial company you are using on the financial address homepage. Click on Woori Bank. Once you verify your identity, you will be taken directly to the address bulk change application page. Read the precautions, check them if you agree, and then click the OK button.

Apply for address change in bulk

Check your home and work address information. Simply select the financial institution you want to change and apply.

Check address information

Please change your address now.

civil service.com


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