스마트스토어 양도양수 Pass the smart store transfer method in one go!

Since Smart Store is also a business, transfer between stores is possible. There are cases where you increase sales by taking over a store that is selling well, and conversely, there are cases where you make money by transferring it and then exit. In the case of transfer, it is necessary to ‘close the business’. A variety of materials are required for transfer and transfer, but if the materials are submitted incorrectly, it takes a long time to receive feedback. To avoid wasting time, you can succeed right away if you prepare perfectly from the start and apply.


Smart store transfer method
1. When transferring or transferring between businesses
First of all, the prerequisite is that the store can be transferred when the transferor ‘closes business’. So, you need a certificate of business closure. The following are the materials required for transfer between businesses.


* Application for approval of transfer and acquisition (this form can be downloaded from the application method for transfer and acquisition in the Smart Store)

* Certificate of business closure by transferor

* Transferor’s seal certificate (issued within the last 3 months)

* Transferee’s seal certificate (issued within the last 3 months)

* Transferee business registration certificate

* Transferee mail order business report

* Copy of transferee’s bankbook

스마트스토어 양도양수

If you look at the application for approval above, there is a section below where you must stamp your personal seal, so both the transferor and the transferee must prepare a personal seal. (It cannot be replaced with a signature.) Prepare the above materials and attach the file to the inquiry box for the Smart Store transfer/acquisition application. After review, approval will be processed. If even one item is missing or incomplete, it will be rejected, so it is best to prepare thoroughly at once.

스마트스토어 양도양수

2. In case of transfer between family members
In the case of a smart store run by a family, it can also be transferred to another family member. In this case, you must prove that you are a family member with a ‘family relationship certificate.’ In this case, since only the name of the representative is changed, the store of an ‘individual seller’ rather than a general business can be transferred to a family member. The following is the information required for transfer between family members.


* Application for approval of transfer and acquisition (this form can be downloaded from the application method for transfer and acquisition in the Smart Store)

* Family Relations Certificate

* Transferor’s seal certificate (issued within the last 3 months)

* Transferee’s seal certificate (issued within the last 3 months)

* Transferee business registration certificate

* Transferee mail order business report

* Copy of transferee’s bankbook


The only difference from number 1 is the family relationship certificate. If you attach a file through a one-on-one inquiry, you will be notified by text and email that it has been reviewed and approved by Smart Store. Then, the transfer work will be completed.


It is also necessary to increase sales by strategically acquiring smart stores. There are many people who run one specialty mall and one general mall, or there are cases where they handle two different categories. If this task is completed in one go, there is no waste both mentally and time-wise. Please prepare in advance by referring to the materials above and complete the transfer process at once.