2024년 출산혜택 [Childcare] In 2024, don’t miss out on the changing maternity benefits and subsidies – The best of the best information blog

2024년 출산혜택index
A government welfare industry that provides support to families preparing for childbirth during a period of low birth rates.
The birth rate is directly related to the problem in the era of population decline and aging, and it can be seen as an industry supported by the government to increase the birth rate in order to promote the development of the country and its people.
I will explain the six lists.
In 2023, a new parental benefit of 700,000 won per month for 0-year-olds and 350,000 won per month for 1-year-olds is scheduled to be paid, and from 2024, it is planned to increase to 1 million won per month and 500,000 won per month.
It is a child support program benefiting the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Its purpose is to relieve the financial burden of raising children and create a healthy growth environment.
Since the target of support and the amount of support are different in each region, it is necessary to find out the amount of maternity support by region.
Households with one or more infants less than 36 months old from the date of birth according to resident registration can receive a 30% reduction in monthly electricity bills up to 16,000 won.
Since childbirth is an important event for the development of a family and social future, many parents are struggling due to financial burden. To this end, we believe that the government and local governments will support maternity benefits based on social responsibility and increase the happiness and welfare of the people, which will bring happiness to more families.
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2024년 출산혜택
