요소수 가격 및 주입시기, 재고확인 방법 Urea price, injection time, and inventory check method

Urea water is an auxiliary material used in devices installed on vehicles for the purpose of reducing vehicle exhaust gases in accordance with Euro 6-environmental standards. In other words, urea water is an auxiliary material used in devices installed for the purpose of reducing environmental pollution.

요소수 가격

요소수 가격

euro 6

Euro 6 is the name of the automobile exhaust gas regulation introduced by the European Union (EU). In other words, as concerns and interests about environmental pollution have increased around the world, the Euro standards have emerged from the process in which the leaders of each country have been working together to find and discuss cooperative measures for a long time in the past.


As of 2022, the Euro 6 standard is being applied to jointly respond to environmental pollution caused by automobiles, and urea water is used in emerging technologies to create vehicles that meet the standard.

The standards are scheduled to enter a higher level of sanctions called Euro 7 in the future. However, unfortunately, contrary to schedule and plan, it is not easy to reduce environmental pollutant emissions.



urea composition
Urea water is a product made by combining urea and water. Urea accounts for 32.5%, and the remainder is water. In this way, urea water is a tool used through a combination of ingredients that are nothing special.


This is an increase in people’s awareness as the device is attached to vehicles used in daily life according to environmental standards for diesel vehicles. In fact, it is a material that has been used in various construction equipment and devices as a technology related to reducing exhaust emissions for a long time.


Diesel cars/trucks – role of urea water
1) Why only diesel cars?

The main fuels for internal combustion devices that use fossil fuels are diesel, gasoline, diesel, and gasoline. Diesel and gasoline are used by processing and extracting the same crude oil, and gasoline is a product with relatively fewer impurities through more refining processes than diesel.


For this reason, vehicles using diesel (diesel oil), which has more impurities, emit more impurities and air pollutants than vehicles using gasoline (gasoline).

Accordingly, exhaust emission reduction devices have been attached to vehicles using diesel (diesel), and urea water has been used to reduce pollutants generated by this, so urea water is only used in diesel vehicles.




2) Nitrogen oxide
Vehicles that use diesel fuel, such as trucks, have the characteristic of emitting a lot of exhaust gas called nitrogen oxides. These nitrogen oxides are substances that have the chemical property of being converted into colorless and odorless water when combined with urea water at high temperatures.


In other words, a diesel engine burns diesel fuel and uses it as the vehicle’s kinetic energy, and then spews out the remaining emissions-exhaust-pollutants into the air. The main component of the pollutants is nitrogen oxides, and nitrogen oxides change into water when chemically reacted with urea at high temperatures. The main role of urea water is to reduce environmental pollution by incorporating its characteristics.



Lotte Fine Chemical Urox
Hyundai Mobis Element Count
Number of AdBlue elements
Geumseong E&C AdBlue Plus Urea Water
Hyundai Oil Bank Pro Knox Element Number
Number of DEF elements
KG Chemical Nox K Element Number
H Plus Eco White Urea Water
Kyungmin Walker Element Number
Representative brands and manufacturers that produce and supply urea water are as follows. Most products with a capacity of 10 liters are sold at a price equivalent to 10,000 to 20,000 won.


The price of this kind of urea water was once over 100,000 won per 10 liters during the urea water crisis, so the government imposed sanctions, but now it is stable and can be purchased at the above price.


Expiration date
Urea water also has an expiration date. In other words, there is an appropriate expiration date for urea water to be injected into a vehicle and perform its correct function. The shelf life of this type of urea water is approximately 2 to 3 years.


However, the usable period may vary depending on the storage environment. In particular, when exposed to a high temperature environment or to air (close the lid x), the expiration date of urea water is clearly reduced, so care must be taken in managing it.


As mentioned earlier, we experienced a urea crisis just a few years ago. At the time, the urea water crisis occurred due to trade issues with China in an environment where, although there were domestic urea water manufacturers, the business feasibility was low, supply by domestic manufacturers reached about 10%, and most of the remaining demand was being procured from China.


As a result, some senseless people hoarded the product and even distributed it illegally. Due to this experience, some car drivers may purchase extra urea in advance, and if you must purchase and store a certain amount in advance, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate amount while knowing the information about the expiration date.


Additionally, some drivers keep some capacity in the trunk of their car just in case. It is recommended that you use it within the expiration date and discard the product if it has expired.