무인카페 창업비용 Unmanned cafe startup costs and expected profits

무인카페 창업비용Vending machine coffee machine price: 20 million won
Dessert vending machine: 5 million won
Furnishings such as tables: 3 million won
Interior: 12 million won
CCTV/IOT/security cost: 1 million won
Initial logistics cost: 1 million won
Start-up costs excluding store rental costs are 42 million won => approximately 40 to 50 million won.
However, as competition in the unmanned cafe startup market intensifies, startup costs are gradually decreasing. Additionally, purchasing a used coffee machine can significantly reduce costs.
The interior of an unmanned cafe is a double-edged sword. If you decorate it too neatly and fancy, interior costs will increase and you will reach the break-even point later, and if you decorate it too roughly, it will not be chosen by customers. Due to the nature of unmanned cafes, they are not large stores, but are appropriately sized around 10 pyeong. However, even for the same square footage, interior design costs can vary greatly. Therefore, it would be a good idea to take action and save on interior design costs.

The profit rate of unmanned cafes is around 60% for individuals and 40-50% for franchises. Pure material cost is around 20-25%. If you sell monthly sales of 3 million won, you will make a profit of 300*0.6 = 1.8 million won. If you sell monthly sales of 5 million won, you can take home 500*0.6 = 300 3 million won per month. However, monthly sales of 500 means daily sales of 167,000 won, and to make this sales, 111 cups of Americano priced at 1,500 won must be sold. It is not easy for an unmanned cafe to sell coffee to more than 100 customers a day. Therefore, it can be said that location selection is more important than anything else.

Since the target customer base of unmanned cafes is different from that of regular cafes, the location conditions are also different from those of regular cafes. Even if you are in a good commercial area and a good location, the rent for an unmanned cafe is unbearable. Therefore, rather than a class A location with high monthly rent, a location one block from the main street, on a back road, with a deposit of 15 million won or less is suitable.
Even if it is a side road, it is good as long as there is a reasonable amount of effective demand and floating population, and above all, there should not be any low-priced coffee shops that are competitors. A neighborhood with low monthly rent, many people, and an underdeveloped and aging neighborhood is the best location for an unmanned cafe.

The owner of an unmanned cafe must visit the unmanned cafe frequently and manage it. The moment it is not managed, it becomes a hangout for local delinquents and local drunks. Additionally, since coffee beans are consumed faster than expected, you need to replenish coffee beans and clean and maintain the store. The more guests there are, the faster the coffee beans will run out and the supplies will also run out faster. You will need to visit the store at least once a day, and if business is going well, twice a day.

TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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무인카페 창업비용
