남자 소자본 창업 Men’s Small Capital Startup (4) If you read this article, you can start right away!! – Earn billions of dollars with your brand

남자 소자본 창업Thank you for reading this article
We will not let your precious time go to waste.

Why you can start right now!!
Small-capital startup for men (1) A local university student achieves total sales of 105 million won in 6 months?
Why starting now is more advantageous for beginners!!

In other words, this article is for you right away.
Coup! Pang! It will give you the motivation and courage to start.

(Numerous questions and thanks received during YouTube and cafe activities)
This is the most common question I heard when I was active on YouTube or other seller cafes.
“Is it okay if we start now?”
“Isn’t this the end of the red ocean now?”

Now, let me organize it again.

1. It’s not too late to start now.
2. The public ocean within the red ocean clearly exists.
3. All you have to do is benchmark the starting runner and reach second place.
4. With his sales skills that brought him to second place, he discovered Purple Ocean and became first place.

If you do this, experience points will automatically accumulate.
As you continue to source products, you will see an upward-sloping graph.
I have no choice but to draw.
Men’s Small Capital Entrepreneurship (3) Reasons for using an overseas purchasing agency rather than domestically

Don’t be disappointed if you post an item and it doesn’t sell.
A successful person succeeds after numerous failures.

However, by posting an item, you can increase the probability that it will sell well.
(It is better to register in small quantities rather than ignorantly registering in large quantities.)
You can upload it based on the database, but I will write about it later.

If you continue reading my article
How to create a detailed page (based on human psychology)
CS response management
How to do marketing
How to find good sourcing products, etc.

Every time I write, an idea comes to me.
I will do my best to deliver good articles.

Thank you for reading today too
“Luck comes suddenly, but only those who are prepared can achieve it.”

Thank you for reading the article. It was Namdaechang.
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남자 소자본 창업
