보건증 인터넷 발급 및 발급병원 찾기 Issuing health certificates online and finding issuing hospitals

If you work in a restaurant or food-related industry or are employed, you must obtain a health certificate. Even if you work for a short period of time, you cannot work without a health certificate, so you must visit the public health center to obtain a health certificate. Also, the health certificate has an expiration date, so when the period expires, you must undergo a re-examination and have the health certificate reissued.


보건증 인터넷 발급

보건증 인터넷 발급

From now on, we will learn about the issuance and re-issuance of health certificates required for work related to the restaurant and food manufacturing industry.


Why you need a health certificate
When working in food-related work or in the restaurant business, you must go through the health certificate inspection process. Why?


The health certificate states that business operators and their employees as prescribed by the Prime Minister’s Ordinance must undergo health examinations in accordance with Article 40 of the Food Sanitation Act.


The health certificate is called a ‘health examination result’, which is issued to business owners or workers working in industries related to the manufacture, processing, cooking, storage, transportation, and sales of food and food additives after a health examination at the relevant medical institution for business registration or employment. You receive it.

However, business owners and workers in industries that transport or sell fully packaged food and food additives are excluded.


※ A fine will be imposed if health certificate is not issued.

If a restaurant or food manufacturing business has an employer or employee who has not been issued a health certificate, a fine will be imposed.

○ In a business with less than 5 employees, if more than 50% of the workers have not issued a health certificate, a fine of 300,000 won will be imposed on the business owner and 100,000 won on the worker.

○ In a business with 5 or more employees, if more than 50% of the workers have not issued a health certificate, a fine of 500,000 won will be imposed on the business owner and 100,000 won on the worker.

Please also note that fines may vary depending on the case.




Visit a public health center to obtain a health certificate
A health certificate must be issued once a year, and issuance is not difficult. In summary, it proceeds in three steps below.

① Offline inspection

② After 4~5 days

③ Issuance of health certificate (offline, online available)


Generally, health certificates are issued at public health centers, but due to recent infectious diseases, the issuance of health certificates (health examination results) at public health centers is limited.


Therefore, the work related to issuing health certificates is entrusted to other health institutions.


If you would like to visit a public health center to obtain a health certificate, please inquire in advance before visiting. A list of health medical institutions can be found in the attached file below, so please inquire at a nearby medical institution before visiting.


Local health and medical institutions nationwide.xlsx


From now on, we will guide you through the process of obtaining a health certificate.


■ Visit to public health center
Health certificates can be issued online, but health examinations for issuance of health certificates cannot be conducted online. You must visit a public health center or relevant medical institution.


※ What to bring when visiting a public health center

○ ID card

Adult: Resident registration card, driver’s license, passport

Youth: Student ID, passport, resident registration card


○ Fee

3,000 won

■ Health checkup details
The tests required to obtain a health certificate include pulmonary tuberculosis test, infectious skin disease test, and typhoid fever test.

○ Pulmonary tuberculosis test

The reason why people in the restaurant and food manufacturing industries undergo health examinations to obtain health certificates is to prevent them from spreading diseases to others during service. So, we mainly conduct tests related to that.


Pulmonary tuberculosis testing is also conducted because there is a possibility of infection, and the test method involves removing tops, underwear, and accessories and taking an X-ray of the human body.


○ Infectious skin disease test

Infectious skin diseases are visually confirmed by your doctor. Examine both hands and, if necessary, other parts of the body, such as the forearm or nape of the neck.


○ Typhoid fever test

To test for typhoid fever, a sample is collected by inserting a test swab about 2 to 4 cm into the anus.

It may feel uncomfortable before the test, but in reality, it is not that difficult or difficult, so don’t worry.


If you visit a public health center or relevant medical institution and undergo a health examination to issue a health certificate, you will receive a health certificate 4 to 5 days later.



How to issue a health certificate
Health certificates can be issued in person or online. From now on, we will tell you how to obtain a health certificate.


■ Issuance of health certificate in person
A health certificate can be issued by visiting the public health center where you received a health checkup and during the relevant medical period.

○ If you receive it yourself

Please bring your ID card or receipt and visit us for issuance.


○ When received by an agent

You can issue it by bringing a power of attorney and identification cards of yourself and your agent.


In addition, registered mail and re-certification issuance services are also available.


■ Issuance of health certificate online
Health certificates can be issued online through the ‘Public Health Portal’ website. It can be issued through the public health center website or Government 24, but issuance is simple and convenient through the public health portal website.


From now on, we will learn how to obtain a health certificate from the ‘Public Health Portal’ website.


▼ First, search for ‘public health portal’ on the search portal.



▼ After accessing the G-health public health portal website, select ‘Issuance of certificate’ on the main screen.



▼ After selecting certificate issuance, check the two consent options and proceed with the identity verification process.

Enter your name and resident registration number at the bottom and select a possible authentication procedure, such as a public certificate.



▼ We will proceed with the authentication process to verify your identity.



▼ Once you have completed your identity verification, you will enter the online certificate issuance system.

Select ‘Health Examination Result (formerly Health Certificate)’ to receive it.


▼ On the next screen, enter information about how many copies of the health certificate you want to print and its purpose, then print it.


How to reissue a health certificate
Health certificates must be issued once a year. If you wish to receive a health certificate again before the expiration date due to reasons such as loss of the health certificate, you do not need to undergo a health examination and can have it reissued. Please note that you must undergo a health checkup after the expiration date.


To reissue a health certificate
You can do this through the ‘Public Health Portal’ where you received your health certificate.


What you need when reissuing
○ Public certificate in your name

○ Printer for printing health certificates

○ Fee 300 won


The issuance process is
It is the same as the previous health certificate issuance process. The order for reissuing health certificates is as follows.


① Access the public health portal

② Member login

③ Certificate issuance

④ Log in with public certificate

⑤ Certification selection

⑥ Fee payment

⑦ Print it out and get issued

So far, we have learned about the reasons for receiving a health certificate, issuance, re-issuance, and online issuance.