내용증명 작성방법 및 양식 다운로드 How to fill out the certification form and download the form

Today, we will learn about how to write a proof of contents, the form, and how to send it. If you are in a debt relationship or dealing with a real estate transaction, you may have heard at least once that you must send a certificate of contents. In this article, we will explain in detail what a content certification is, what effect it has, and why you should send it. In addition, we will also explain how to easily fill out and send a certificate of contents through the post office website.

내용증명 작성방법

내용증명 작성방법


<Table of Contents>
1. Reason for sending proof of contents
2. How to fill out the Internet Post Office Content Certification (form included)

1. Reason for sending proof of contents

To briefly explain, the content certification is a single piece of mail. You can just send mail, but the reason for sending a content certificate is to prove that the mail was delivered to the recipient with the corresponding content. Therefore, when sending a content certification, you must prepare a total of three mail pieces. 3 pieces of mail

It is used as one for the sender, one for the recipient, and one for storage at the post office. If you send a content certification like this, even if the recipient just tears the mail or changes the content, you can prove that you sent the mail with the content you wrote.


When sending a certificate of contents, you must prepare three pieces of mail.
Prepare 3 pieces of mail when sending proof of contents

Certified mail has the advantage of accurately conveying your intention to the other party and having it confirmed later. Certified mail is mainly used to urge the other party to fulfill money-related matters. Representative examples of where certified mail can be effective are as follows.


A representative example of where content-certified mail can be effective
When the other party does not repay money on time or does not fulfill the contract
When the previous owner does not register the transfer after signing a real estate sales contract
When the rental deposit is not returned on time
When returning (cancelling a contract) an item after purchasing it through door-to-door sales or online shopping, etc.
When notifying the transfer of claims
When you want to confirm the other party’s intention one last time before filing a lawsuit

In civil law, the term ‘substantial period’ appears. For example, let’s say a person was supposed to give money, but failed to give it, leading to a ‘delay in performance’. If there is a ‘delay in performance’ like this, the other party can cancel the contract after making a maximum for a ‘considerable period of time’. At this time, the person who has agreed to receive the money can send a proof of contents stating that if the money is not paid by some time, the contract will be considered terminated. If you send a proof of contents like this, you can claim that the termination was canceled in court when you go to a civil suit because you have proven that you did the best over a considerable period of time.


2. How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office (form included)

There are two ways to send a proof of contents.


Fill out the certificate of contents and visit the post office in person with 3 letters.
Send from home via internet post office

In this post, we will learn how to send a content certification through the Internet Post Office content certification application service. First, you can also download the content certification form from the Internet Post Office.


Internet Post Office Content Certification Application Service Form Download
Post Office Content Certification Application Service Form Download

You can download content certification forms appropriate for your situation, such as contract termination notice, damage claim, return request, performance reminder notice, and letter of intent, as HWP files or MS Word files. You can edit/fill out the form you received in this way using a Korean or Word program to suit your situation and send the proof of contents.


Screenshot of steps on how to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office

Once you have filled out the content certification based on the form, return to the previous step screen and click the ‘Apply’ button. When you click Apply, you must log in. You can easily sign up using your KakaoTalk ID.


Screenshot of steps on how to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
Screenshot of steps on how to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
Screenshot of steps on how to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office

When you log in, a screen will appear where you can enter mailing options and sender and recipient information. After entering all information, click Write Body.


How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office

On this screen, you can write the text of the proof of contents yourself or attach a file you created in advance. It is more convenient to download the form and attach the pre-filled file.


How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office

After attaching the document, click 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the upper left corner in order to complete the content certification.


How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office

After completing the proof of contents, the payment screen will appear. Please select a payment method and proceed with payment.


How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office
How to send a certificate of contents to an Internet post office

Once you fill out the information and make the payment, the screen above will appear. Click Print here to print and store the document. However, printing can only be done once.