스타벅스 다이어트 음료 “Whenever I go to Starbucks, I only drink this~” The 5 best Starbucks diet drinks recommended by a doctor

스타벅스 다이어트 음료In fact, a Starbucks Frappuccino has more calories than a McDonald’s hamburger. There are so many drinks that are almost like a meal.

If you are trying to control your weight or are on a diet, try the following drinks. These are the top 5 Starbucks diet drinks recommended by doctors.

Although it contains vanilla cream, it is otherwise low in calories. Only 125 calories per tall size.

Compared to other sweet coffee drinks, this number can be said to be low.

If this is too much for you, I recommend Nitro Vanilla Cream. It’s only 75 calories. However, some stores do not carry this menu, so check first!

A typical Java Chip Frappuccino contains a whopping 340 calories and 42g of sugar. It is equivalent to one bowl of Hetbahn.

In this case, choose an espresso frappuccino. It has 145 calories, less than half that of other Frappuccinos.

If 145 calories is too much for you, try changing the syrup to light syrup.

The reason why we recommend Cool Lime is because it contains green beans that are in a pre-restored state.

It contains chlorogenic acid, which helps reduce body fat. The calories are also low at around 105. It has a refreshing feel compared to other drinks, making it the perfect drink for summer.

This is a white tea made from delicate leaves and blended with apple, mango, pineapple, hibiscus, and rosehip, giving it a sour taste.

This drink has 0 calories and no sugar. It also has very little caffeine, making it easy to drink anytime.

This drink has slightly higher calories than other menu items. It’s 270 calories. Instead, it contains bananas, which are rich in dietary fiber, and is low in calories, so it is recommended as a meal replacement.

It is not suitable for dieting as a dessert, but if you eat it in the morning instead of a meal, you can consume both taste and nutrition at the same time.

✔ 3 recommendations for ‘you’
[1] Only look at those who have been to the hospital in the last year. ‘How to receive health insurance refund’
[2] The national pension you will receive after 30 years is OOO million won.
[3] The reason why you will lose out if you do not receive free national health checkups.

스타벅스 다이어트 음료
