전국민 일상지원 Be careful when applying for national daily support funds.

전국민 일상지원#Things to consider before reading

Daily subsidy inquiry (Subsidy 24)
Easy search for daily support funds for all citizens
You can click Search for Daily Subsidy above to perform a simple search to find the subsidy that suits your situation, such as individuals (households), small business owners, and corporations. Simply select and confirm your residential area, date of birth, gender, income amount range (standard median income by household size), and personal characteristic information (worker, prospective couple, pregnant woman, college student, unemployed, etc.).

Although it is not a system called the Daily Life Support Fund, there is actually a similar policy called the Daily Life Recovery Support Fund. Since 2019, we have experienced a major crisis due to the coronavirus, and since then, the global economic crisis has struck, and prices, interest rates, and exchange rates have risen like crazy. As a result, many companies have gone bankrupt or closed down, and even the Korean real estate market and stock market are experiencing great difficulties.

So far, we have received a lot of support in the form of small business subsidies, small business loans, and emergency disaster relief funds. Now that it is time to repay the small business policy support funds that have been lent, many self-employed people will be going through an awkward situation.

Of course, it is of no help, but there is a system similar to the disaster relief fund that allows anyone in the country to receive a subsidy of about 350,000 won per person. This is paid differentially according to individual income, and is called the National Daily Support Fund or Daily Life Recovery Support Fund.

After the coronavirus pandemic, we were able to receive emergency disaster relief funds and small business support funds. However, it was only paid to certain people, and in the case of the entire country, even the initial second disaster relief fund was implemented. The daily life recovery subsidy is a system created to help people whose situation has not improved due to the economic recession even though the coronavirus is over, to recover and return to their daily lives as quickly as possible.

You can receive a minimum of 100,000 won and a maximum of 350,000 won in daily life recovery support per person.

It is said that the 2023 National Daily Support Fund will be paid differentially to applicants according to their income bracket. If your income is in the 5th quintile, you can receive 100,000 won per person, and if your income is in the 1st quintile (30%), you can receive 350,000 won per person.

The important point is that there is no policy for national daily support funds in 2023. However, you can directly search for government-supported systems such as daily recovery support funds, find the policy that applies to you, and apply. To apply, access the Government 24/Subsidy 24 website (homepage) or Welfare website and search.

When you access the Welfare website, you can log in using a public certificate/financial certificate or simple authentication, select your current personal information and situation, and proceed. Select only your place of birth, household situation, topic of interest and age, and the area where you live and search. You can.

To date, there are a total of 4,972 welfare services, with 370 being provided by central ministries, 4,251 by local governments, and 351 by the private sector.
Find a list of welfare services

If you came here after searching for daily support funds and were disappointed, it would be a good idea to check out the article on refunds as well. South Korea is a developed country and collects a lot of taxes from its citizens. That’s why you end up paying more due to a mistake. Excess taxes are refunded. The problem is that even if there is a refund, it will disappear if you do not claim it within 5 years.

If you think there may be a refund, check the link below.
National Health Insurance Corporation website refund amount inquiry
Inquiry for amount exceeding the out-of-pocket limit


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