과속단속조회 및 실시간 확인방법 Speed control inquiry and real-time confirmation method

Everyone who drives has experienced something like this at least once. I think I was speeding a bit while driving today, and I’m sure you were wondering if it was caught on a speed camera. Also, you may have thought that it would be great to have a notification text message if you were caught on camera speeding. So today, we will tell you not only about speeding, but also how to check real-time enforcement fines and even apply for a speeding alert text service.



How to check speeding fines in real time

It hurts a lot when I get caught speeding or get stopped for speeding. It must be painful to feel like you have to suddenly pay a fine for living expenses at home or an emergency fund that you were planning to use. Still, I need to find out how much it cost first, so I’ll take a look. If you click the link below, you can check it in Inquiry – Fines – Recent Enforcement Details in the top menu. Please refer to the section where verification is possible only through simple authentication, financial certificate, joint certificate, and digital one pass.


Real-time check of speeding fines
Real-time check of speeding fines

Real-time check of speeding fines

You can also check other things in the inquiry menu. You can check the fines for non-payment of fines and fines for late payment, and you can also check information related to fines, traffic violations, traffic accidents, and fact checker driver’s licenses, so it is good to know.


Click here to check speeding fines in real time


It is important to check for crackdowns and fines, but there may also be cases where your driver’s license may be canceled or suspended due to demerit points. So, to prevent such things in advance, there is a system called driver mileage.


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In our lives, we often receive penalty points while driving. If you accumulate more than 40 demerit points over a certain period of time, your driver’s license will be suspended, so managing demerit points is important. I don’t know if I have accumulated penalty points.


Apply for speeding fine notification text message

Since speeding and speeding are subject to enforcement, it can be cumbersome to check the fines yourself.

I thought it would be convenient to be notified by text message on my cell phone if I was caught on camera and caught speeding, so I looked it up and found a way to sign up for a text message notification. I really recommend it.

How to apply for notification text message
When you apply for this service, it is a system that not only provides guidance but also allows you to check fines and bills.

Recommended application for speeding fine notification text message
Recommended application for speeding fine notification text message
Recommended application for speeding fine notification text message
Recommended application for speeding fine notification text message

Click here to apply for notification text service



The method is very simple. In the application menu shown above, click Text Notification Service. Then, a window will appear where you can enter your personal information. Once you enter and confirm all information, your application for text messaging service will be completed. If you incur a car-related fine while traveling on a big holiday or long weekend, we recommend that you keep this information in mind and apply for it as it is convenient information to receive.

Today, we learned about real-time tracking of speeding fines and recommendations for requesting text notifications. The most important thing is to drive safely and not speed. Since this is a part that is directly related to life, we hope you all drive safely and have fun trips and memories.