SRT 예매 및 환불 수수료, 취소규정 총정리 Summary of SRT reservation and refund fees and cancellation policies

Today we will learn how to reserve SRT tickets using a mobile phone. You can reserve tickets for SRT both online and via mobile phone, but viewing on a mobile phone is the preferred method because it is more intuitive and convenient. First, you need to download the SRT app. You can download it right away by clicking the button below.


SRT 예매

Go to SRT homepage (PC)


SRT 예매



How to reserve SRT tickets (mobile)
1. Install the SRT app to make a reservation. Please click the button below to install the app.


Go to SRT app installation (Apple)



Go to SRT app installation (Android)


Then, an app that looks like this will appear. Please run this app.

SRT app

2. Run the app and set the departure and destination points on the first screen.

Origin/destination settings
Origin/destination settings
Origin/destination settings
Origin/destination settings
Origin/destination settings
Origin/destination settings


3. Then select the date and time.


Date/Time Settings
Date/Time Settings
Date/Time Settings
Date/Time Settings

4. Select the number of people and click the train search button.

Set number of people
Set number of people
Check trains
Check trains

5. Select the train of your desired time slot.

Select train time
Select train time
Select train time
Select train time


6. Press the seat selection button to select the seat you want and then press the select button.


seat selection
seat selection
seat selection
seat selection
seat selection
seat selection


7. A window will pop up asking you to pay within 10 minutes. If you do not pay within 10 minutes, your reservation will be canceled and someone else may make the reservation. Please press the confirm button.

Pay within 10 minutes
Pay within 10 minutes

8. Select a payment method in the payment window and click the Pay button.


Make payment
Make payment
Make payment
Make payment

9. Read the cancellation fee terms and conditions carefully and click the Yes button. A fee of 400 won is charged from the day of departure to 1 hour before departure, and 10% of the fare is charged from 1 hour before departure to just before departure.

Cancellation fee
Cancellation fee


10. If you have successfully completed payment, you will see your ticket like this.

Reserved tickets

11. To check your reserved ticket, when you open the app, click the ticket confirmation button at the bottom and click the reserved ticket.

SRT reservation schedule change
If you have reserved a ticket and would like to change your schedule, please refer to the instructions below. Tickets reserved at SRT can be changed for free only once.


1. Access the reserved ticket screen and press the change trip button.

change trip
change trip
2. Read the change terms and conditions and click the Yes button.

Terms of Change
Terms of Change


3. Press the change trip button.

change trip
change trip

4. Click the train search button.


Check trains
Check trains

5. Select the desired time and press the reservation button.

Make a reservation
Make a reservation


6. After checking the refund amount or additional amount, click the payment button and you are done.

Make payment
Make payment


SRT reservation cancellation
Let’s learn how to cancel SRT reservations.


1. Access the ticket screen and press the ticket refund button.

Ticket refund
Ticket refund

2. Select the ticket you want to refund and press the refund request button.

Refund requests
Refund requests

3. After checking the cancellation fee, click the final refund request button.

Final Refund Request
Final Refund Request

4. Refund will be completed.

Refund completed
Refund completed

We learned how to reserve, change, and cancel SRT tickets. It’s not as difficult as you think, right? It is easy to do as long as you have the app installed, so please be sure to follow along.