머니트리카드 Galaxia Money Tree, prepaid card ‘Money Tree Card’ won the 2023 Korean Brand Consumer Evaluation Award

머니트리카드Article input: December 13, 2023 10:37
Last modified: December 13, 2023 10:37
[Seoul = Newspim] Reporter Lee Na-young = Galaxy Money Tree announced on the 13th that its prepaid card, ‘Money Tree Card’, won the 2023 Korean Brand Consumer Evaluation Grand Prize.
The Korean Brand Consumer Evaluation Awards, hosted by the Korea Brand Evaluation Board (KEBI), is an awards ceremony that selects excellent brands with high consumer trust and satisfaction. This is an event prepared by judges composed of experts in each field to discover companies that have contributed to brand development.
The Money Tree Card is a prepaid card that can be used online and offline by recharging it with mobile phone payments, simple accounts, and Money Tree Cash, which are payment methods commonly used online. Money Tree Cash, which is linked to the simple payment app ‘Money Tree’ and recharged with points, gift certificates, credit cards, etc., can be used at approximately 3 million offline affiliated stores nationwide.
Anyone over the age of 14 can apply for the Money Tree card through the Money Tree app or website. In particular, there is no annual fee or issuance fee, so you can apply without burden. In addition, regardless of the previous month’s performance, it is receiving positive reviews from consumers by providing various benefits based on charging and use. At year-end tax settlement, you can also receive a 30% income tax deduction, just like a check card.
A Galaxia Money Tree official said, “The Money Tree Card is a useful service that can be used at offline affiliated stores by combining mobile phone payment methods mainly used online with the card.” He added, “By linking it with the Money Tree app, points that could not be used for offline payments can be used for payments. “Payment volume is increasing due to convenient features that can be used,” he said.

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