학교문화 책임규약 알아보기 Learn about the school culture responsibility code

The school violence system will change like this from the first semester of 2024.

2024.03.14 Ministry of Education​

​학교문화 책임규약

학교문화 책임규약

Starting from the first semester of 2024, the school violence system will change as follows.

∨ Strict response to serious school violence

∨ Strengthening protective measures centered on victimized students

∨ Strengthening the school violence response capacity of each school

∨ School violence case investigations are handled by a dedicated school violence investigator.

∨ Promising a violence-free school culture through the school culture responsibility code

We take strict action against serious school violence.


■ Strengthening student records and management

· Extension of retention period for measures taken against offenders in student records

– Up to 2 years → Up to 4 years

· Reinforcement of deliberation deletion requirements

Ⅴ Confirm whether the victim agrees

Ⅴ Check whether administrative trials or lawsuits are in progress

■ Expand reflection of measures taken in college admissions

It reflects not only the student record-based selection process but also the college entrance exam, essay writing, and practical/performance-based selection process.

※ Voluntary reflection for university admission in 2025, mandatory reflection starting from university entrance in 2026

We strengthen protective measures focusing on victims.

■ Extension of immediate separation period

Up to 3 days → Up to 7 days

■ Strengthening emergency measures by school principals

‘Class change’ added to emergency measures for offenders

■ Establishment of right to request separation of victim students

Request from a victim → Review by a dedicated organization → Suspension of attendance or change of class → Separation of students

■ Guarantee the victim’s right to make a statement

Mandatory hearing of victims’ opinions in administrative trials and lawsuits filed by perpetrators

Strengthen the ability to respond to school violence at each school level.


■ Operation of Zero School Violence Center

Integrated support from the Zero School Violence Center of all education support offices nationwide

Ⅴ School violence case investigation

Ⅴ Support for damage recovery and relationship improvement

Ⅴ Legal advice to victims, etc.

■ Strengthening the educational coordination function of schools

· Expand the scope of school principals’ own solutions

· Protection of teaching rights and improvement of conditions for responsible teachers

· Operation of school-student-parent school culture responsibility regulations

School violence investigation is handled by a dedicated school violence investigator.

■ Securing expertise and fairness

To confirm the fact of school violence, a dedicated school violence investigator appointed and commissioned by the Superintendent of Education (Chief of Education) conducts an investigation into the case.

■ Strengthening the educational coordination function of schools

· Protection of victimized students

· Improving victim-offender relationship

· Student life guidance

We promise a violence-free school culture through our school culture responsibility code.

■ What is the school culture responsibility code?

A code by which all school members, including students, teachers, and parents, confirm the details and responsibilities for school violence and practice and promise to create a school culture free of violence.

■ Practice method

(Preparation) Forming consensus ▶ (Plan) Establishing an operation plan ▶ (Implementation) Gathering opinions from members ▶ (Return) Disclosing regulations

■ How to participate

Participate in a signature campaign in connection with events and educational activities at the school, grade, and class level.

[Source] School violence system to be strengthened starting from the first semester of 2024 | Author Emilia