보건증 인터넷 발급 How to issue health certificates online

In order to get a health checkup and get a health certificate, you can revisit the place you tested and get it issued, while you can also get a health certificate online. You can get it at two websites: Government 24 (www.gov.kr ) and Public Health Portal (www.g-health.kr ), but those that have been tested at ordinary hospitals cannot be issued at public health portals (only public health institutions such as public health centers and medical centers). In addition, government 24 can only issue a result whose resident registration number is hidden in the last digit, and if you want the last digit to come out, you need to get it issued from a public health portal. You can save both as a result pdf. Personally, I have issued it at both places, and it is more convenient to print it at public health portals.

​보건증 인터넷 발급

Government 24 : Government 24 login required, certificate/simple authentication required when printing. Electronic document wallet can be issued. Resident number X last digits

Public health portal: It can be issued by simply verifying the certificate or mobile phone. You can choose to display the last digits of your social security number. Hospital inspections do not come out


You can enter the appropriate site for your purpose and print it out or save PDFs.보건증 인터넷 발급

Find out how to get a health certificate test at a health center in the post below


[Eunpyeong-gu Health Center] How to get a health certificate (health certificate) checked/issued
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1. How to get a health examination result (health certificate) issued by the government 24

+ up to electronic document wallet


Issue of Health Examination Results (Health Certificates) | Government Service | Government 24
Last revision date 2020.06.18 Health policy department of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Health policy department of the competent agency, Food and entertainment workers are conducting health checkups in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. What are the contents of the issuance of “Health Examination Results (Old Health Certificate)” after conducting health checkups at public health centers to fulfill health examination obligations? Contents of support This applies to those who conduct examinations in accordance with health examination items under laws and regulations related to the food and entertainment sector and issue results. Here are how to use food and entertainment workers eligible for support. Procedures/methods o Application and inspection – Visiting public health centers, filling out applications, presenting ID cards, and inspections…


First of all, you need to log in to be issued by the government 24. After you log in, click “issuance” on the website above.


Enter basic information and click Search for Health Examination Results.

Simple authentication or certificate authentication.

After the service application is completed, you can print out the ‘print document’.

Hold on

No print? I want to save it as a file (PDF) instead of print? But if you don’t know how


You can press ‘Save as PDF’ in the window that comes out when printing.

If you send it to an electronic document wallet

I stored an electronic certificate in Naver and turned on the Naver app. You can check it like this by sending it to an electronic document wallet.

1. Health examination results from public health portal (health certificate)

How to get it issued

Accessing the public health portal -> Online Civil Service -> Issuing my certificate -> Click on the health examination result (health certificate) and it’s over. First, access the public health portal!


G-health Public Health Portal
This is the public health portal G-health.


Click on Online Civil Service

Click on the issuance of my certificate

You must authenticate yourself with a joint certificate/i-pin/digital one-pass/mobile identification.

I think the easiest thing is to verify your identity on your phone. As shown in the capture, the details of general hospitals cannot be searched on public health portals.

A list of results/diagnoses that can be viewed will be provided. Click on the result of the medical examination to check whether the resident registration number is displayed in the last digits, and click Apply

You’ll see the “issue” button. If you press this, you’ll see the notification pop-up

My medical examination result is automatically saved as a pdf. When you open the file, it says to enter your password, and you can enter the first six digits of your resident registration number.

This is the only way to get a medical examination result (formerly a health certificate).

It’s not hard!