국민체력100 체력인증센터 Public data portal

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Seoul Olympic Games National Sports Promotion Foundation

API list

Hello. The Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation would like to inform you of changes to the Open API service.
ㅁProvider: Seoul Olympic Games Korea Sports Promotion Foundation
ㅁ Target service: National Fitness 100 Physical Fitness Certification Center measurement result information
ㅁ Reason for change: Reflection of API according to expansion of physical fitness measurement items
ㅁ Changes: 6 output variables added (item_f042~044,050~052), 1 deleted (del_yn)
ㅁ URL after change: http://apis.data.go.kr/B551014/SRVC_NFA_TEST_RESULT/TODZ_NFA_TEST_RESULT_NEW The existing URL will be maintained until 2024.2.29 and then stopped. Thank you.
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(30112) 42, Duum 6-ro, Sejong Special Self-Governing City (Eojin-dong)
Main number: 1566-0025
Inquiry hours: 09:00~18:00 (Mon~Fri)
ⓒMinistry of the Interior and Safety. All rights reserved.

국민체력100 체력인증센터
