KB손해보험 고객센터 및 전화번호 KB Insurance Customer Center and Phone Number

KB Non-Life Insurance Customer Center Telephone Number 1544 – 0114 Nationwide branch/sales point information (direct link), insurance claim documents, accident registration Insurance loan Direct automobile insurance Accident insurance payment Driver’s insurance Children’s insurance Fetal insurance Counselor speed code Extension number ARS Call center operating hours Business hours Let’s summarize.

KB손해보험 고객센터

KB손해보험 고객센터

KB Insurance’s customer center can be accessed through the online website and mobile app ‘KB Insurance’, customer center representative ARS, and offline branches and sales offices. KB Insurance’s customer center provides overall insurance-related services for KB Insurance’s subscribers and prospective subscribers.

Detailed information about KB Insurance Customer Center can be found below.

Detailed information about KB Insurance Customer Center can be found below!

KB Insurance Customer Center
Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center Telephone Number 1566 – 7711 Nationwide branch/sales point information (direct link), insurance claim documents, accident registration, insurance loan, direct car insurance, accident insurance payment, driver’s insurance, children’s insurance, fetal insurance, counselor speed code, extension number, ARS call center operating hours, business hours
Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center Telephone Number 1566 – 7711 Nationwide branch/sales point information (direct link), insurance claim documents, accident registration Insurance loan Direct automobile insurance Accident insurance payment Driver’s insurance Children’s insurance Fetal insurance Counselor speed code Extension number ARS Call Center operating hours During business hours Let me summarize it.
Contents [show]

KB Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Speed ​​Code Extension Number ARS Call Center Operating Hours Operating Hours

Let’s find out KB Insurance’s customer center phone number, speed dial number, and call center operating hours.

<Customer Center Phone Number>
Representative number: 1544-0114
Overseas: 82-1544-0114
Text message for language/hearing impaired: 010-5563-0114
Direct insurance subscription inquiry: Car: 1544-0077
Direct insurance subscription inquiry long-term/general: 1644-6413
General/long-term insurance product subscription inquiries: 1544-0800
Mail order CS call center (card/home shopping): 1544-0115
Retirement Pension Call Center: 1544-9520
Loan Call Center: 1544-9110
<Call center operating hours>
operating time
– Accident report and Magic Car emergency dispatch service: 24 hours
– Insurance contract loan consultation: Weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)
– Long-term insurance and auto insurance and other consultations: Weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)
Usage fee
– Landline call (local call rate): 39 won per 3 minutes
– 070 Internet phone and mobile phone: Based on user rate plan
<Speed ​​number>

▶ Press ARS
– 1: Information on automobile accident registration and compensation personnel
→ 1: Accident report
→ 2: Text message from car compensation manager
– 2: Request for vehicle breakdown dispatch
– 3: Information on actual medical expenses and accident insurance claims
→ 1: Issuance of insurance claim form fax
→ 2: Invoice text message information
→ 3: ARS compensation manager contact information text message
→ 0: Connect to a counselor
– 4: Actual loss, health, pension, driver contract inquiry/change/cancellation/new subscription
→ 1: Customers who subscribed to insurance through home shopping or credit card companies
→ 2: ARS contract details text message
→ 3: Virtual account issuance and instant transfer service
→ 4: Contract inquiry, change, termination, new subscription
→ 0: Connect to a counselor
– 5: Loan
→ 1: ARS insurance contract loan inquiry and application
→ 2: Inquiry and application for contract loan for employees and sales family members
→ 0: Connect to a counselor
– 6: Car insurance contract inquiry/change/cancellation new subscription
→ 1: Direct car insurance subscription consultation
→ 2: Change in ARS short-term driver special contract
→ 3: ARS contract details text message
→ 4: Text information on required documents
→ 5: Direct issuance of car registration certificate
→ 6: Contract inquiry, change, termination
→ 0: Connect to a counselor
– 7: Customer complaint reporting and ARS usage fee information
→ 1: Report for inconvenience related to car insurance
→ 2: Other inconvenience registration
→ 3: ARS usage fee information
– 0: Connect to a counselor
→ 1: Actual loss, pension insurance contract inquiry, change, cancellation, new subscription
→ 2: Information on actual medical expenses and accident insurance claims
→ 3: Car insurance contract inquiry, change, cancellation
→ 4: Breakdown dispatch and car accident report
Late night/weekend/holiday
– 1: Car accident registration and guidance
– 2: Request for vehicle breakdown dispatch
– 3: Fire and liability accident registration
– 5: Direct issuance of certificate and virtual account information
→ 1: Directly issue vehicle subscription certificate
→ 2: Directly issue payment certificate for income deduction
→ 3: Text message for virtual account issuance
→ 4: Information on virtual accounts for sales families
– 6: Change of short-term driver special contract through ARS
→ 2: Change of short-term driver special contract through ARS
– 7: Self-service for text message guidance on contract details and insurance claims
→ 1: Actual loss insurance ARS contract details text message
→ 2: Text message regarding car insurance ARS contract details
→ 3: Text message guidance on actual medical expenses claim documents
→ 4: Fax issuance of insurance claim form
▶ Visible ARS
– 1: Information on automobile accident registration and compensation personnel
– 2: Car breakdown dispatch
– 3: Information on actual medical expenses and accident insurance claims
– 4: Actual loss, health, driver’s insurance contract inquiry/change/cancellation/new subscription
– 5: Loan
– 6: Car insurance contract inquiry, change, cancellation, new subscription
– 7: Customer complaint reporting and ARS usage fee information
– 0: Connect to a counselor
– #: Connect via voice ARS
Late night/weekend/holiday
– 1: Car accident registration
– 2: Car breakdown dispatch
– 3: Fire and liability accident registration
– 5: Direct issuance of certificate and virtual account information
– 7: Self-service for text message guidance on contract details and insurance claims
– 64: Change in special contract for short-term drivers
– #: Connect via voice ARS
👇 KB Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Detailed information can be found below!

KB Insurance Customer Center Phone Number
KB Non-Life Insurance Customer Center Nationwide Branches/Sales Branch Information (Shortcut)

Using the branch/service network service on KB Insurance’s online website is useful when you need to visit KB Insurance’s offline branch. Instructions for use are as follows, and information on KB Insurance’s nationwide branches can also be obtained from the mobile app ‘KB Insurance’ and customer center representative ARS.

<Information on branches/sales offices nationwide>
Enter the desired region or branch name in ‘Integrated Search’ on the branch/service network information page and click the magnifying glass icon → Search results are displayed at the bottom → Branch name, address, phone number, and map view services are provided.
On the branch/service network information page, ‘Select business’ → Select city/province → Select city/county/district → Search results are displayed at the bottom → Branch name, address, phone number, and map view service are provided.
👇 Detailed information on KB Insurance Customer Center branches nationwide can be found below!

Information on KB Insurance Customer Center branches nationwide
Full list of drama replays click icon
KB Insurance Customer Center Insurance claim documents, accident registration, accident insurance payment
Information on KB Insurance’s insurance claim procedures and methods and insurance claim documents can be obtained from Saha-eun KB Insurance’s online website, mobile app ‘KB Insurance’, customer center representative ARS, and offline branches or sales offices.

<Insurance claim procedures and methods>
1. Consent to processing personal information
2. Enter accident details
3. Enter claim details
4. Submit documents
5. Submission completed
– Online homepage
– Mobile app ‘KB Insurance’
<Insurance claim preparation documents>
In this article, we will learn about the insurance claim documents for the ‘General Accident’ insurance product among KB Insurance’s various insurance products. Information on claim documents and detailed documents for other insurances can be obtained from KB Insurance’s customer center.

▶ General accident insurance claim documents

Common documents
– Insurance claim form (our form, enter account number)
– Detailed consent form for insurance claim (our form)
– Copy of claimant’s ID card
– When family relationship confirmation is required: Family relationship documents (family relationship certificate, marriage relationship certificate, etc.)
– When entrusting insurance money to another person
→ Power of attorney (our form, stamp or signature)
→ Submit a certificate of seal impression (or confirmation of personal signature)
→ Detailed consent form for insurance claim holder and third party
Accident proof documents
– Industrial accident: Confirmation of insurance benefit payment (for submission to insurance company)
– Military service related: Civil service injury certificate
– Court disputes such as medical accidents: Court rulings
– Other accidents
→ Accident confirmation certificate issued by public institutions (police station, fire department, etc.)
→ Agency for Confirmation of Death Facts
→ Injuries and accidents where verification documents cannot be issued
Others: Related documents such as medical expenses, death, after-effects, fractures, burns, surgery, emergency expenses, compensation for violent crime at school violence, compensation for injury scar restoration surgery, etc. can be obtained from the customer center.
👇 Detailed information on KB Insurance Customer Center insurance claim can be found below!

KB Insurance Customer Center Insurance Claim
KB Insurance Customer Center Direct Insurance Loan
<Direct sign-up>
All KB Insurance products can be purchased online through an insurance agent. In addition, you can sign up for the same product under the same conditions through the official online website, KB Insurance direct website, mobile app ‘KB Insurance’, and customer center representative ARS.

The advantage of signing up directly like this is that you can sign up for the same product at a cheaper price. You can easily calculate the expected insurance premium on the KB Insurance Direct website.

<Insurance Loan>
loan terms
– Loan target: Long-term contract customers with an insurance contract loan amount of 50,000 won or more
– Loan interest rate: 3.20% ~ 9.00% per year (as of February 2023, different depending on long-term insurance contract)
– Loan limit: Up to 95% of the cancellation refund of the contract subject to insurance contract loan
– Loan period: Insurance period of the long-term insurance contract subject to insurance contract loan (for pension insurance, until pension commencement)
– Repayment method: Lump sum repayment at maturity (free repayment possible without early repayment fee during the loan period)
– Loan fee: None (early repayment fee and handling fee)
👇 Detailed information on KB Insurance Customer Center Insurance Loan can be found below!

KB Insurance Customer Center Insurance Loan
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frequently asked questions
Question 1. What is the phone number of KB Insurance Customer Center?
Answer: The main number is 1544-0114.
Please refer to the main text for further details.

Question 2. Using ARS at KB Insurance Customer Center