흥국화재 고객센터 및 전화번호 Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center and Phone Number

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center Phone Number | Car insurance call center agent connection extension number | Let’s summarize how to claim actual expenses after reporting an accident.

흥국화재 고객센터

흥국화재 고객센터

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center provides a variety of services such as insurance subscription, change, cancellation, and insurance claims. For the convenience of customers, consultation and services are provided through various channels such as phone, internet, and mobile.

In this article, we will provide detailed information on the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance customer center phone number, the extension number for connecting to the automobile insurance call center agent, and how to report an accident and claim actual expenses.

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Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center Phone Number

The main phone number of Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center (Call Center) is 1688-1688.

If you call 1688-1688, you can receive consultation on various insurance-related matters, including automobile insurance, disease/injury/fire insurance, loans, and certificate issuance.

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center’s operating hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.

Please note that we are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. However, accident reports and insurance claims are available 24 hours a day.

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center User Guide
Customer Call Center: 1688-1688
Call center for the disabled: 1811-0427
Accident registration and emergency dispatch automatic guidance service: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Usage fee information
– Landline calls: Both local and long distance calls are charged at the local call rate.
– 070 Internet phone and mobile phone: Charged based on the rate plan subscribed to by the telecommunication company
If there is a delay in connecting to a counselor, you can quickly and easily receive service through the website ‘Internet Service Center’.

The visible ARS (screen service) is automatically provided when the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance app or another app that includes the corresponding public program is installed.

Please see below for more detailed information.

Go to Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center phone number
KB Insurance Customer Center
KB Insurance Customer Center Phone Number | Car insurance call center agent connection extension number | How to claim actual expenses for reporting an accident
KB Insurance Customer Center Phone Number | Car insurance call center agent connection extension number | Let’s summarize how to claim actual expenses after reporting an accident. KB Insurance Customer Center provides a variety of services such as insurance subscription, change, cancellation, and insurance claims. For customer convenience, consultation and services are provided through various channels such as phone, internet, and mobile. In this article, we will cover the KB Insurance customer center phone number, the extension number for connecting to the auto insurance call center agent, and how to report an accident and claim actual expenses… Read more
Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Automobile Insurance Call Center Agent Connection Extension Number

If you call Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center at 1688-1688, you can select the menu you want through the ARS you press or see.

If you want to be connected directly to an agent, press 0.

However, when you call Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center, there may be cases where you are not immediately connected to a representative.

In that case, try the following method.

Follow the ARS instructions and dial the number that suits your consultation purpose. For example, if you want to report a car accident, press 1, if you want to request emergency dispatch for a car breakdown, press 2.
You may need to verify your identity before being connected to an agent. In this case, enter your resident registration number or contract number or prove your identity through voice recognition.
Once connected to an agent, please kindly state your questions or requests. The agent will respond as quickly and accurately as possible.
We will inform you of the ARS you press at the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Service Center (Call Center) and the extension number to connect to the agent for the visible ARS service.

Call Center ARS (Weekdays, Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 18:00)
No. 1 car accident report
1. Accident report
2. Accident consultation
3. Check the progress of existing accident reports/automatic guidance to the person in charge
2. Car breakdown emergency dispatch request
Inquiry about new subscription to insurance number 3
1. Sign up for new accident and disease insurance
2. Sign up for new car insurance
No. 4: Disease/Injury Insurance Claim
1. Text message guidance on required documents for medical expenses claim
2. Re-issuance of virtual fax for submitting insurance claim documents
3. Send disease and accident insurance claim form by fax
4. Daily life liability insurance accident registration
0. Connect to a counselor
No. 5 Long-term insurance consultation, including long-term insurance premium payment, change, and cancellation
1. Automatic inquiry of insurance premium payment, termination payment, maturity amount
2. Payment of insurance premiums
Inquiries about payment for long-term insurance such as injury, disease, etc., cancellation, midterm, maturity, etc.
0. Connect to a counselor
No. 6 Car insurance consultation
1. Automatic contract inquiry service
0. Connect to a counselor
No. 7 Loan consultation
1. Automatic inquiry of insurance contract loan amount available
2. Automatic inquiry of insurance contract loan balance
3. Hearing the insurance contract loan agreement
0. Connect to a counselor
Automatic issuance of certificate number 8
1. Faxing car insurance policy
2. Fax sending of car insurance subscription certificate
0. Connect to a counselor
No. 9: Issuance of insurance premium payment certificate for income deduction
1. Fax issuance of payment certificate
2. Issuance of payment certificate by mail
Connect to counselor 0
1. Long-term insurance change, payment, and cancellation consultation
2. Disease/injury insurance claim consultation
3. Car insurance consultation
4. Loan consultation
0. Connect to other counselors

Call Center ARS (late night/weekend/holiday)
No. 1 car accident report
1. Accident report
2. Accident consultation
3. Check the progress of existing accident reports/automatic guidance to the person in charge
2. Car breakdown emergency dispatch request
Automatic issuance of certificate number 3
1. Automatic issuance of securities (car)
2. Automatic issuance of membership certificate (car)
3. Send disease and accident insurance claim form by fax
Self-service such as contract inquiry 4
1. Information on long-term insurance premium payment status for diseases, injuries, etc.
2. Automatic inquiry of insurance contract loan amount available
3. Re-issuance of virtual fax for submitting disease/accident insurance claim documents
4. Car contract inquiry and subscription information
5. Text message guidance on required documents for medical expenses claim
6. Hearing the insurance contract loan agreement
No. 9: Issuance of insurance premium payment certificate for income deduction
1. Fax issuance of payment certificate
ARS for the disabled only (weekdays, Monday to Friday, 09:00 – 18:00)
Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Service Center (Call Center) provides communication relay services for customers with speech and hearing impairments.

When requesting service through the ‘107 Sonmal Connection Center’, an affiliated real estate agent connects with our company and provides consultation through three-party real-time information transfer.

Disabled-only call center service details
Simple insurance consultation service, insurance contract-related consultation (insurance payment details, insurance claim details, etc.)
Issuance of documents such as certificate of membership
Car Accident Reporting
However, processing tasks such as contract modification and termination, loan application, insurance premium payment, and collection method change cannot be provided as a communication relay service due to business procedures.

Procedures for providing call center services exclusively for the disabled
Customer requests relay service from 107 Sonmal Ieum Center (https://www.relaycall.or.kr)
The Sommal Connection Center relayer connects a landline call to our disabled-only call center (1811-0427).
Three-party real-time information delivery through calls between the customer and the broker and between our counselor and the broker

? Please see below for more detailed information.

Go to Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Auto Insurance Call Center agent extension number
Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center Accident Reporting Method: How to Claim Actual Expenses

We learned about the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center phone number and how to connect to a representative.

Now, let’s find out how to report an accident and claim actual expenses at the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center.

How to report an accident to Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center
If you have purchased insurance from Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance, you may be wondering what to do when an accident occurs.

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance provides a simple way to report accidents and claim actual expenses. Please follow the steps below:

If an accident occurs, first report it to a hospital or police station. And prepare any necessary documents or evidence. For example, for car insurance, you need a driver’s license, vehicle registration, accident confirmation, repair estimate, etc., and for health insurance, you need a receipt for medical expenses, a medical certificate, and a confirmation of hospitalization.
Call Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Service Center (1688-1688, available 24 hours a day) with the prepared documents and evidence. A counselor will help you file an accident. Alternatively, you can report an accident on the internet or mobile phone. After logging in to the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance website or mobile app, you can file an accident from the insurance claim menu.
After reporting an accident, a compensation representative will contact you and guide you through the compensation process. Once the accident investigation is complete, a review will be conducted. Depending on the results of the review, whether or not insurance will be paid and the amount will be determined.

Once the accident has been reported, we will send you the registration number and details of the person in charge of compensation processing via SMS.
For any inquiries regarding compensation, please contact the relevant compensation processing representative.
In the case of contracts where the policyholder and the insured are different, insurance claims must be submitted through the insured’s authentication or mobile phone authentication.
When submitting an insurance claim through policyholder authentication or mobile phone authentication, the compensation manager may additionally request a personal information consent form from the insured. (However, minors under 14 years of age are excluded)
How to claim actual expenses at Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center
If you receive treatment for an injury or illness caused by your auto insurance policy, you can file a claim for actual expenses.

Actual expense claims refer to receiving insurance money equal to the amount actually spent on hospital expenses, medicines, etc.

How to claim actual expenses at Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center (fax, mail, visit)
When applying by fax, mail, or in person, you can download and file an insurance claim form from the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance website.
Enter the required information in the form and sign.
Prepare the following documents:
Original medical certificate
original receipt
Original hospitalization confirmation
Other required documents (check required document information)
4. Submit the prepared documents and forms to Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance’s headquarters or branch by fax, mail, or in person.

5. The received documents will be reviewed and insurance money will be paid.

How to claim actual expenses at Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center (claim insurance through the Internet or mobile app)
If you install the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance website or mobile app, you can conveniently file an insurance claim anytime, anywhere. (You can make a claim by verifying your identity and taking photos of related documents without registering as a member)

Detailed information can be found on the Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance website.

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center Precautions when filing an insurance claim
Insurance claims must be made within 3 years from the date of the accident. (Expiration of the insured’s right to claim insurance money: 3 years)
The bank account to receive insurance money must be in the name of the insured person.
If you have delegated the right to claim insurance benefits to another person, please fill out a power of attorney and sign it.