투루카 쿠폰 Compare and get discount tips for the Megazone car sharing service in Turuka! : Naver Blog

투루카 쿠폰May 15, 2023 16:55

Today I mainly use
At Truka Car Sharing Service
Normal True Zone and Mega Zone
By simply comparing the difference in usage fees,
I would like to introduce some useful tips for using Megazone.

First of all, in the Truca car sharing service,
There are a total of 4 zones as shown below.
Source: Truca official blog
Source: Truca official blog
In general, a zone without any markings is called a true zone.
The newly created true zone is a new zone,
Megazone with regular discounts,
A travel zone specialized in long-term rentals.

Among these, fortunately
The closest True Zone to my house is ‘Mega Zone.’
These days, vehicles are available at reasonable prices.
Megazone is precisely based on Truezone car fares.
A 45% discount is applied.
Please refer to the photo comparing direct usage fees below!
Left: Truezone price / Right: Megazone price
For comparison, I looked at the Avante vehicle as an example.
2-hour rental based on weekday prices
While True Zone costs 10,600 won,
Megazone offers a 45% discount on Truezone prices.
You can see that it is 5,830 won.
Because Truca has different prices on weekdays and weekends,
I also checked weekend car prices.
I even calculated it myself with a calculator.
I confirmed that 45% was confirmed.
So, if Megazone is nearby
There is no reason not to use it!

This weekend, I rented a Megazone car.
Bring your girlfriend near my house
I visited ‘Cafe 282’, a Crople restaurant.
#101, 19-4, Myeongjiro 60beon-gil, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Visit at a quiet time when there are no people around.
It was nice to be able to spend a leisurely weekend together.
There are various crop menus as well.
The beverage selection is wide, even though it is near a university.
There were so many customers of all ages visiting.
This is the brown cheese crople we ordered.
Actually, this is where I first encountered brown cheese.
It was salty and went well with the ice cream better than I expected.
In one word, it’s a sweet and salty combination?
Leaving behind the cropple that was quickly eaten
On this day while having a drink,
They say we made plans for summer vacation..🤩
Megazone discount tips!
Because Megazone always offers discounted prices.
General coupons cannot be applied.
There is a coupon that applies to Megazone vehicles as well.
I would like to introduce it by showing an actual user experience.
I sometimes rent a car on weekday evenings as well.
Recently, I rented a Ray car from Megazone.
I brought my girlfriend too.
I was able to spend time comfortably.
As above, it was originally 4,400 won.
It was a cheap reservation price.
Can you see the coupon discount at the bottom?
Apply the coupon and pay only insurance premiums and driving charges.
I was able to use the car.
The coupon is as shown in the photo above.
This is a coupon you receive through a friend’s recommendation!
In fact, in the previous article, I used my recommender ID.
Is it because some neighbors added it?
As shown in the photo above, I saw that two coupons came in each.
After checking the detailed conditions of the two coupons,
As seen from above
1 weekday/weekend coupon each
You can see that the application spot is ‘all’.
Excluding minimum applicable amount from weekend coupons
An additional 5,000 won discount is also available at Megazone.
If you are a person who frequently uses Trueca,
Be sure to take advantage of the friend recommendation event!
Of course, the benefits for new subscribers are
There are more, so please refer to the above.
If you are in an environment where it is difficult to find a recommender
You are free to use the ID below as you wish! 🤭

Recommender ID: tkdah1228@naver.com
Today, I visited the Truca car sharing service.
Introduction to Megazone, how to use it, and reviews,
And you can get additional discounts
I even prepared some useful tips.

They say there are about 130 megazones across the country.
Let’s share these good benefits with those around us.
I hope there is no one around you who doesn’t know Trueka.
This concludes today’s article.

Bread, donut, and baked snack lover 🙂 Reading beginner, beginner reviewer, daily record, 3rd group of Truca Supporters

투루카 쿠폰
