모르는 전화번호 검색방법 How to search for an unknown phone number

Let’s learn about 10 ways to search for unknown phone numbers.모르는 전화번호 검색

모르는 전화번호 검색

These days, you no longer receive calls from unknown numbers due to advertisements, spam, or voice phishing. This is because these calls prevent you from receiving necessary calls, interfering with your work or making you feel uncomfortable in your daily life.

Therefore, there are places that minimize various risks and inconveniences caused by unknown numbers by searching for unknown numbers in the Internet search bar or mobile app.

You can use a website or app that allows you to search for unknown phone numbers.

From now on, we will look at 10 places where you can search for an unknown phone number, search methods, and an unknown phone number search lookup app.

Searching for an unknown phone number may be because you are worried that the other person may be scamming you when using Joonggonara. In this case, how to check and deal with Joonggonara fraud | Please refer to The Cheat article for help.

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114 on
Look up an unknown phone number – 114on
Look up an unknown phone number – 114on
114 on is a place that provides information such as phone number, business name, name, address, etc. through two methods: 114 voice guidance supported by KT IS or 114 on online guidance.

Voice guide (wired) 114, (wireless) area code + 114. This is the only phone number in Korea where you can receive information about all telecommunication companies in Korea 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including the information you want, such as name and address, through the voice of a counselor. This is a guidance service.

The 114 number is a special number assigned by the country, like 112 and 119.

Online guidance is www.114.co.kr. This is a website where you can register information such as phone number, company name, address, etc. and your company’s information by calling 114 through the online search window, and use the priority number guidance service for your company.

If you want to check an unknown number, enter the phone number in the 114 on search box and search to check the information. If the information is not confirmed, you can ask a question and receive an answer through ‘Phone number question and answer’ at the top of the homepage. .

114 on Go to homepage ◀Click
Look up an unknown phone number – Whoscall
Look up an unknown phone number – Whoscall
Whoscall is a 100% free service that lets you know unknown numbers and blocks spam through an app. It has the advantage of being able to identify callers even without cell phone data or Wi-Fi.

Whoscall is headquartered in Taiwan, and based on a database of over 1 billion calls around the world, it not only identifies real-time callers such as advertising calls or spam calls, but also provides phone numbers and local information for restaurants, stores, etc.

This service has been selected as the best app in 8 countries around the world and is recognized as the world’s best spam blocking app.

◀Click to go to Whoscall homepage
Install Whoscall mobile app: Go to Google Play ◀Click
Install Whoscall mobile app: Go to Apple Store ◀Click
Naver calling number search
Look up an unknown phone number – look up Naver’s calling number
Look up an unknown phone number – look up Naver’s calling number
If you search for the word ‘caller number search’ in the search bar of Naver, the most familiar platform in Korea, a window will appear where you can search for an unknown number.

Information such as spam numbers and scam phone numbers for Naver’s caller ID search is provided by Whoscall, which we looked into earlier.

Click ◀ to check Naver calling number
Korean phone book
Look up an unknown phone number – Korea phone book
Look up an unknown phone number – Korea phone book
The Korean phone book is a place where you can register information such as business name and phone number and advertise your business through the website.

If you search the business name or phone number in the search box of the website, you can check the link address and company details (business hours, store photos, maps, prices, product descriptions, reviews, blog social networks, etc.) for immediate connection.

You can easily search and check your phone number without registering as a member. However, only phone numbers registered in the Korean phone book can get results.

◀Click to go to the Korean phone book website
Daum Safe Call Phone Number Search
Look up an unknown phone number – Daum Safe Call phone number search
Look up an unknown phone number – Daum Safe Call phone number search
Daum Safe Call Phone Number Search is a search box where you can check the contents of the phone number based on the evaluation results of people who have received the call in advance by entering an unknown number in the safe call phone number search on the Daum platform.

People’s evaluation results are supported by T Phone, which provides free registration and modification of T114 business information to T Phone and T Contact users.

If there is an error in the evaluation information of the phone number you entered in the safe call phone number search on the Daum platform, or you would like to change the information you evaluated, you can visit the T Phone homepage and request correction.

Go to Daum Safe Call Phone Number Search ◀Click
Go to T Phone homepage ◀Click
What is this number
Search for an unknown phone number – What is this number?
Search for an unknown phone number – What is this number?
What’s This Number is a place where you can search for numbers you don’t know without logging in through the website. You can also download it as a mobile app to use it even more conveniently.

If you search by entering an unknown number in the What’s this number search box, spam information for that number will be printed and you can also share users’ ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ ratings for that number.

What is this number? Click ◀ to go to the homepage
What is this number? Install mobile app: Go to Google Play ◀Click
Spam phone number database
Search for unknown phone numbers – spam phone number database
Search for unknown phone numbers – spam phone number database
This spam phone number database service, which started in 2008, is a website where you can search for phone numbers and post posts without registering as a member. It is operated based on advertisements and other revenue that may be generated.

We provide a service to minimize damage by searching for an unknown phone number and posting the unique features of the number in “Number Memo” so that information can be shared between spam victims.

◀Click to go to the spam phone number database homepage
The Call
Search for unknown phone numbers – The Call
Search for unknown phone numbers – The Call
The Call began service in 2009 and is a site with over 900,000 registered phone numbers.

This is a service provided on the Internet homepage and mobile app to search for spam phone numbers such as advertisements or voice phishing.

◀Click to go to The Call homepage
Install The Call mobile app: Go to Google Play ◀Click
Search for an unknown phone number – hehe
Search for an unknown phone number – hehe
WhoWho is a site where you can search for phone numbers through a mobile app and has a fairly large database in Korea.

To search for an unknown number, log in and enter the number in the search bar. You can search for domestic and international phone numbers.

After searching for an unknown number on WhoWho, you can see the number of spam reports within 3 months in the results as a spam number, and you can block or reject the number immediately.

◀Click to go to WhoWho’s homepage
Install WhoWho mobile app: Go to Google Play ◀Click
Install WhoWho mobile app: Click ◀ to go to Apple Store
junk call
Search for unknown phone numbers – junk calls
Search for unknown phone numbers – junk calls
Junk Call is a site that holds a large amount of phone number information, over 320 million. If you search for an unknown phone number, you can check the number’s information through the spam category.

You can also register spam phone number information. To prevent other people from being harmed by this spam number, please enter detailed information and mark the items.

◀Click to go to the Junk Call homepage
We learned about how to search and look up unknown phone numbers.