무직자 청년대출 Find out where you can get a loan for unemployed youth even if you have no income :: Government-supported loan application page

무직자 청년대출Apply for government loan Unemployed Youth Loans: If you are a young person who is classified as unemployed or are new to society, you can receive a loan for unemployed youth to cover living expenses. Loans for unemployed youth have low interest rates and you can get a loan even if you have no … Read more

법무부 온라인민원서비스 Apply for a visit to a detention center through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service: Naver Blog

법무부 온라인민원서비스2021. 2. 2. 14:14 Today, I would like to apply for a visit to a detention center or prison using the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service. ​ Due to COVID-19, smart interviews and video interviews can also be applied for through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service. ​ However, if … Read more

신탁원부 인터넷 발급 Complete trust ledger online browsing in 8 minutes (ft. What is a trust?)

신탁원부 인터넷 발급Health From Wealth This time, as I signed a contract for an item whose owner was a trust company, there was a need to view the trust ledger online, so I decided to browse the trust ledger. It’s really simple. However, there are people who find it difficult, so I decided to write … Read more

1주택 전세자금대출 Loan limit conditions for rent for a single homeowner – SOCIAL NEWS PICK Loan Insurance Information

1주택 전세자금대출SOCIAL NEWS PICK Loan Insurance Information Since March 2, 2023, the Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation (HUG) has allowed people with a home worth more than 900 million won and people with an annual income of more than 100 million won to guarantee a jeonse loan. I think this will be good news for … Read more

타오바오 직구방법 Complete guide on how to use Taobao (using Chinese delivery, personal direct purchase/purchasing agency/buying) – Direct Good

타오바오 직구방법How to sign up/set up an account on Taobao (+How to prevent account freezing) ‍ ‍ You can use Taobao more conveniently by using the Google Translator function of the Chrome browser. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser → Settings → Set the language menu as follows. … Read more

2023 임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅 성공하는 방법 How to succeed in ticketing for the 2023 Lim Young-woong concert

Lim Young-woong’s nationwide concert is scheduled to begin in October 2023. Most Lim Young-woong fans are in their 50s or older, so their children will help their parents buy tickets. However, one way to enjoy Lim Young-woong’s concert is to buy tickets on your own without your child’s help.   임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅 This time, … Read more

카카오페이 포인트 현금화 How to use Kakao Pay points and how to cash them out – App Tech with up to 5% interest

​ hello. This is True Housewife J, a true influencer specializing in finance. ​ ​ Today, we will learn more about using Kakao Pay points for the KakaoTalk app we use every day. Many people are already using it, but for those who are new to it, I will tell you step by step how … Read more

코스트코 휴무일 및 영업시간 Costco holidays and business hours

Costco holidays and customer service phone number Online shopping mall website Costco’s customer service phone number is 1899-9900. The customer center is open from 9 AM to 9 PM. Closed on January 1, Lunar New Year’s Day, and Chuseok. For inquiries about Costco stores, please email: member@costcokr.com. For inquiries about Costco’s online mall, please email: … Read more

홈플러스 휴무일 및 영업시간 Homeplus holidays and business hours

Homeplus is implementing voluntary holidays to promote win-win cooperation with small and medium-sized merchants. Since this September is the Chuseok holiday, I think many people will be even more curious about Homeplus’s closing days. This is a table listing Homeplus’s September closing days by branch.   홈플러스 휴무일 (Source: Homeplus) Stores closed on 2nd and … Read more