우체국 택배 보내는 법 Follow the post office delivery method! (ft. easily explained)

This post is an easy-to-understand explanation of how to send a courier to the post office. Recently, there are various ways to send parcels, but there are few places as reliable as post office parcels. It depends on the recipient, but it is about those who stick to the post office delivery service. However, in … Read more

삼성페이 모바일 신분증 How to register Galaxy Samsung Pay mobile ID driver’s license

If you are using a Galaxy mobile phone, you will use the Samsung Pay simple payment service by default. You can now use the mobile ID function in Samsung Pay. If you have your own physical plastic car driver’s license, you can register it in Samsung Pay and use it as a mobile ID that … Read more

스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법 Total summary of how to use Starbucks Gifticon!

It seems that Starbucks Gifticons are given and received a lot for various reasons such as anniversaries and birthdays. However, if you are not familiar with using it, there are some parts that can be a little confusing. 스타벅스 기프티콘 사용법 In this post, we have summarized how to use Starbucks Gifticons, such as exchanging, … Read more

깨진 그릇 버리는 법 The correct way to dispose of broken dishes

Questions ▶ How should I dispose of broken dishes? I wonder if I should throw it away with recycling or general trash. Answer ▶ Broken bowls are not recycled regardless of the material. 깨진 그릇 버리는 법 It is a rule to dispose of incombustible waste in special sacks (bags). If you are collecting separately … Read more

카카오택시 분실물 찾는법 3 ways to quickly find lost items in Kakao Taxi

Let’s look at how to find lost items in Kakao Taxi. There must be a lot of reservations through the Kakao T application, but it has become a little easier to find lost items because you can check reservation details and article information right from the application. In the article below, we will check how … Read more

중장년내일센터 신청방법 Middle-aged Job Hope Center (Middle-aged Tomorrow Center), subsidy, employment service information, website, etc. Summary

As the economic situation is not good these days, an increasing number of middle-aged people are hoping to find a job again after retirement. 중장년내일센터 신청방법 However, when I am about to start a social life, it is not easy to find a new job on a whim due to the vacancy and lack of … Read more

경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법 Employment & welfare & qualification information article 2023 Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application (1st 2nd 3rd)

Gyeonggi-do announced that it would start supporting applications for the “2023 Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance” to promote youth employment by alleviating the burden of interview costs for young people who have difficulty finding a job and promoting active job-seeking activities. _경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법 Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance ○ Target Young people aged 18 … Read more

모바일 티머니 사용법 How to use mobile T-moneyup your T-money bala

모바일 티머니 사용법 How to Use Mobile T-money? Mobile T-money is a mobile app that allows you to use T-money, a transportation card used in Korea, on your smartphone. Here’s how to use it: 1. Download the Mobile T-money app on your smartphone. 2. Sign up and register your credit card or debit card information. … Read more