도로교통공단 이러닝센터 홈페이지 Road Traffic Authority e-learning center website

Road Traffic Authority E-Learning Center The Korea Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center is an online education site that provides various traffic safety education programs and educational materials to all citizens interested in traffic safety, including drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. The e-learning center provides various educational programs such as driver’s license acquisition, driver’s license renewal, safety … Read more

국민연금 해지 방법 및 환급신청 조건 How to cancel the national pension and conditions for refund application

How to cancel the national pension 국민연금 해지 The National Pension is an old-age security system supported by the government. The national pension is largely divided into workplace subscription and local subscribers, and subscribers pay a fixed amount. You can apply for the insurance amount when you reach the age of 60, but there is … Read more

연체기록 조회 및 삭제기간 정리 Overdue record inquiry and deletion period arrangement

View overdue records and find out the record deletion period Today, we will learn more about the overdue record inquiry record and deletion period. If you manage your credit information, you may end up with arrears for any reason. Overdue record inquiry method Overdue records are overdue records registered with the Credit Information Service and … Read more

경기청년 갭이어 사업 신청 및 지원자격 Gyeonggi Youth Gap Year Business Application and Eligibility

The Gyeonggi Youth Gap Year Program is a business that provides opportunities for young people to explore and challenge what they want to do. It is not a program for simple employment or higher education, but a program for young people to find their own path and develop their dreams. Young people who are interested … Read more

소액결제 미납 해결방법 총정리 Summary of micropayment non-payment solutions

Today, I will write an article about how to solve micropayment nonpayment. Micropayment is a service provided by smartphone carriers, and different limits are set depending on the carrier or credit rating. ​ Are you worried about unpaid cell phone micropayments? Please pay attention here. We will tell you step by step how to solve … Read more

국민연금증카드 발급 Eligibility for issuance of national pension card

Today, we will inform you of the issuance of the National Pension Card. It seems that many people who receive the national pension do not know about this card. ​ National Pension Card 국민연금증카드 발급 ​ ▶ A national pension card is a card-type certificate that serves as an identification card to prove that you … Read more

국민내일배움카드 신청방법 How to apply for Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card

국민내일배움카드 신청방법 What is the National Learning Card? It is a vocational training support card for unemployed, employed, special type workers, self-employed (below a certain income), and others who need vocational training regardless of employment status or occupation. How long do I have to get it? 닥터규의 정보도서관 We will provide guidance on applying for … Read more