주거급여 신청자격 및 신청방법 (feat.총정리) Housing benefit application qualifications and application method (feat. Summary)

Let’s look at the qualifications for applying for housing benefit for youth and the application for separate payment of housing benefit for youth. Housing allowance for youth is one of the government policies to support the housing stability of young people, and it refers to subsidizing loans within a certain range, such as rent and … Read more

휴면계좌 복구 Dormant account recovery

What is a dormant account? Types of dormant deposits dormant deposit Deposits, installment savings and installments from banks and savings banks, etc., where the statute of limitations has not been recovered even after 5 years have elapsed since the last transaction, such as interest payment 2. Dormant insurance money Insurance company cancellation (effectiveness) refunds, maturity … Read more

국제면허증 발급방법(feat. 준비물, 비용, 유효기간, 가능국가) International driver’s license issuance method (feat. materials, cost, validity period, available countries)

How to issue an international driver’s license 국제면허증 발급방법 international driver’s license An international driver’s license is a certificate required when driving a vehicle abroad. In this article, we will smartly organize how to issue an international driver’s license. 1. Conditions for issuing an international driver’s license First, the method of issuing an international driver’s … Read more

전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

Let’s look at how to issue a transfer household reading statement. The formal name of the complaint is application for resident registration transfer household inspection. These days, most certificates can be issued through Internet websites such as government 24 or mobile devices, which is convenient. In fact, this document cannot be issued online. I visited … Read more

주유소 가격비교 및 근처 싼 주유소 찾기 Compare gas station prices and find cheap gas stations nearby

Gas station price comparison search application Opinet gasoline inventory Cargo solidarity strike 2 주유소 가격비교 gas station price comparison It is said that some gas stations have notices on the news, such as gasoline out of stock or gasoline out of stock. It is said that the nationwide average of 70% of tank lorry drivers’ … Read more

이어폰 한쪽만 들릴때 원인 및 해결 방법 Causes and solutions when only one side of the earphone is heard

How to fix when only one side of the wireless earbuds can be heard 이어폰 한쪽만 들릴때 This time, I wasted quite a long time because I couldn’t hear one side of the Penton wireless earphones that I was using well. My older brother asked to borrow it for a day, so after I borrowed … Read more

2023년 연봉 실수령액 및 월급 실수령 계산기 2023 Real Salary Earnings and Real Salary Earnings Calculator

2023 annual salary actual salary and calculator Was this my salary? 2023년 연봉 실수령액 2023 annual salary real income and calculator that no one tells you There will be many people who are curious about the 2023 annual salary real income table and calculator. The actual amount of money you receive after deducting the four … Read more