공무원 정근수당 Civil servants’ regular attendance allowance

The regulations on civil servant allowances, etc. stipulate that public officials be paid punctuality allowances according to the payment classification on the January and July remuneration dates of each year according to the number of years of service within the budget.   As can be seen from the word jeonggeun, it is an allowance paid … Read more

토지이용 계획 확인원 보는법 View the Land Use Planning Confirmation Board

You must have land to build a building for what you need it to be. 토지이용 계획 확인원 보는법 At that time, the land type, area, building-to-land ratio, floor area ratio, etc. Know exactly what limits you can do on the land If you buy it, there will be no embarrassment later. Items to check … Read more

카드포인트 현금전환

If you only want to view points here, select [Comprehensive card point inquiry], and if you want to proceed with inquiry and account transfer at once, click [Card point account deposit/donation]. ​카드포인트 현금전환 Please refer to the picture above as the available time for account transfer may differ for each card. Even if you apply … Read more

케이뱅크 카드번호 조회 Easily change the number that has changed with the K-Bank card application!

K bank plus check card Mobile application method and benefits ​ If you are curious about how to open a K bank account and interest rates ↓↓↓ Find out how to open a K-bank account and increase the K-bank interest rate. K-Bank term deposit, parking passbook interest rate term deposit interest rate 4.6% per annum, … Read more

맹장염 자가진단 Appendicitis self-diagnosis

Treat appendicitis quickly with self-diagnosis     I went to the hospital with sudden abdominal pain and was told that it was appendicitis. Have you ever been diagnosed?   Appendicitis is an infection of the appendix located at the junction of the large intestine and small intestine. 맹장염 자가진단 Inflammation, also called appendicitis   So … Read more

삼성 에어컨 에러코드 Samsung air conditioner error code

Error codes that may occur while using the Samsung air conditioner What can be done without contacting the Samsung service center If there is a malfunction symptom, try to solve it by yourself. Error codes and display methods for Samsung air conditioner product models are 삼성 에어컨 에러코드 Although it may be different, the following … Read more

한전 고객센터 KEPCO Customer Center

Today, I will introduce the KEPCO customer center phone number. The KEPCO customer center operates a 24-hour customer center such as electrical consultation and breakdown report. The customer center phone number is also really easy. It is 123 without an area code.     This is the customer center ARS guide. After dialing 123, this … Read more