사이다뱅크 파킹통장 Cider Bank parking passbook, 2.2% to 100 million Toss Bank even if it exceeds 100 million

This is a personal summary of information about the Cider Bank parking passbook, which is expected to rise to 2.2% in interest as of July 1st, as well as reviews and other questions you may have after using it for 2 years. ​Cider Bank parking passbook interest base rate increase (1.6% → 2.2%) / up … Read more

크롬 업데이트 Chrome Update Disable Windows Chrome Automatic Updates

Have you ever had automatic updates run when you usually restart Windows or turn Chrome off and on? ​ I can’t work for a certain amount of time because the update is running while I’m busy, ​ We have optimized for the current version, but there were cases where the work did not proceed as … Read more

아이폰 유튜브 pc 버전 How to access the PC version of YouTube on iPhone

If we were to talk about the hottest platform these days, it would be YouTube. It is a space where viewers can become creators, and there are many really interesting contents. Watching current affairs, cooking, mukbang, product reviews, etc., time goes by really quickly. ​ Today we’re going to show you how to log out … Read more

신한은행 통장사본 Saving a copy of Shinhan Bank passbook to mobile

​How to print a copy of the Nonghyup passbook Copy of Woori Bank, Shinhan Bank passbook How to print a copy of Kookmin Bank passbook ​ ​ ​ Today, we are going to learn how to print a copy of a passbook for various financial institutions. The use of a passbook copy varies from person … Read more