농협 신용카드 발급조건 Nonghyup Credit Card Issuance Conditions, Qualification Denied

In fact, the issuance of the Nonghyup credit card Including Korea from a wide variety of credit card companies. for credit card issuance You can proceed with your application. ​ Because of your main bank or through the credit card company of your choice. 농협 신용카드 발급조건 Apply for a credit card I think you … Read more

고용보험 피보험자격 이력내역서 Employment Insurance Eligibility History Statement

Find out how to obtain an employment insurance qualification history statement. You can easily issue it by following the steps below. 1. If you search for ’employment insurance insurance eligibility history statement’ in Google, the following search results appear. Government24 access. 2. Log in to use the Government24 service. (Simple authentication, joint/financial certificate, digital one … Read more

내 페이스북 주소 Check my Facebook address and Facebook URL

In this post, we have summarized how to check your Facebook address when you post your Facebook or let others know. ※Note Facebook address setting is possible only in the desktop environment. If you can’t use it outside of mobile, delete the Facebook app for a while, then open your browser and go to desktop … Read more

쿠팡 할인카드 I like Coupang discount card Lotte Card

Model name (MHQR3KH/A) / A2377 First of all, the Air 5 is currently being pre-booked, and as I said, all discounts have been removed from the morning and pre-booked at the regular price of 779,000 won. However, the 700,000 won or more 70,000 won and 100,000 won or more 100,000 won coupons that were applied … Read more

토스뱅크 마이너스통장 Toss Bank minus bankbook product launch

The way to infinite growth is to make up your mind and keep learning. There are various methods, but we decided not to just think about it and just keep grasping the core in this busy time. ​ A quick look at the key points   Let’s approach the hidden flow of big change together. … Read more

SRT 경로할인 SRT route discount

In today’s post, we will explain the SRT route discount method in detail. SRT route discount method In today’s post, we are going to summarize the SRT route discount method in detail. If you are a Korean citizen, you can receive various benefits as you reach the age of seniority set by the Korean government … Read more

유튜브 프리미엄 할인카드 National Happiness Check Card Benefits (YouTube Premium Discount Card)

Shinhan Card National Happiness Check Card Benefits It is a card made for a pregnant woman voucher I didn’t expect much, but there are surprisingly many benefits..? ​ Especially Netflix and YouTube! that’s what i wanted I was using another Shinhan debit card for a fixed cost. I decided to change all my regular payments … Read more