쿠팡 와우 멤버십 혜택 Enjoy Coupang Wow membership benefits with free shipping and easy Coupang

Free shipping benefits, Coupang Rocket Wow membership It was the best Delivery boxes placed in front of our door today too! I’m also interested in the little boss’s baby items at my house. I’ve been paying a lot of attention to housekeeping. It’s not just one or two things you need every day. 쿠팡 와우 … Read more

넥슨 현대카드 [Hyundai Card] Analysis of Nexon Hyundai Card

Nexon Hyundai Card Point Accumulation First of all, it has been strengthened a little more than a normal card from the point of earning benefits. General: 1% (unlimited) Additional accumulation: 3% (unlimited, previous month’s performance over 1 million won, general X) It should be taken into account that, unlike the general Nexon Hyundai Card, the … Read more

2022년 연봉 실수령액표 100 million won in the annual salary real income table for 2022

The 2023 minimum wage has been decided. At this time of year, a meeting is held to determine the minimum wage for the next year, and it seems to have been a more intense meeting than expected due to the wide gap between the prices offered by the workers and the employers. Finally, the 2023 … Read more

실업급여 신청방법 Unemployment benefit conditions and application method

In this section, we would like to learn about the conditions for unemployment benefits and how to apply.   With the recent economic downturn, the business situation is also getting worse, and more and more people are packing their bags regardless of their will.   If you become unemployed due to such a sudden notification, … Read more

토스뱅크 사장님 마이너스통장 Toss Bank, private business minus passbook

I already made a negative passbook with Kookmin Bank to use it for public offering stocks or dollar investment, but I thought there would be a little limit left, so I opened the Toss Bank minus passbook account as soon as it opened at 11 am today. ​ Those who have previously created a Toss … Read more

하이패스 단말기 등록 Hi-pass terminal registration

Let’s find out how to change the registration of hi-pass terminal. The high pass is a convenient means of using the expressway. You can reduce traffic congestion and receive discounts. Even when registering a new car or changing a car owner, the details of the Hi-Pass terminal must be changed. Hi-Pass registration and changes are … Read more

자동차 정기검사 조회 방법 Check the date of comprehensive automobile inspection and periodic inspection

Check the date of comprehensive automobile inspection / periodic inspection How long has the albino been released as a new car? It’s been over 4 years and the bills are full What is a car inspection? the safety of the vehicle being driven; and Compliance with emission standards to prevent traffic accidents and environmental pollution … Read more