농협 통장사본 How to issue a copy of the Nonghyup passbook

It seems that a copy of the bankbook is one of the indispensable items when preparing various documents. Now that real bankbooks are disappearing, it can be confusing when you suddenly ask them to prepare them. I was also confused when I first prepared it, but it’s really simple ^^;; As long as you do … Read more

개인통관고유번호 모바일 발급 Personal customs identification number issuance by mobile

When we buy something from abroad and bring it home. The goods must go through customs. Just a few years ago, there was no need for a unique code, but now a personal customs identification number is required unconditionally in relation to customs. In my case, overseas direct purchase is mainly done through Naver Pay. … Read more

쿠쿠 정수기 고객센터 Cuckoo Water Purifier Customer Center

Nowadays, water purifiers have become a necessity among household appliances, and many people are using them. I also drink clean water every day with the Cuckoo water purifier. However, water purifiers are also operated by electricity, and as they are home appliances, there are times when they break down or receive after-sales service. So, in … Read more

줌 사용법 How to use zoom

Using Zoom, an online video conferencing program, is easier than you think. Let’s learn how to use Zoom virtual background, renaming, and gallery, which you should know if you are a participant in a meeting using a desktop PC, which has a wide screen. How to use zoom How to use zoom Pre-work for video … Read more

공동인증서 비밀번호 찾기 Joint certificate password search issuing PC

You must have clicked the article to find the password for the joint certificate, Unfortunately, there is no way to retrieve your password. Therefore, you need to reissue the accredited certificate, and the method is simpler than you think! If you follow it step by step, it will be over in no time. 공동인증서 비밀번호 … Read more

계좌번호 조회 Account number inquiry Fraud number inquiry

Due to the recent Corona 19, many people are playing games at home. As you play the game, you purchase items to level up quickly. Please note that there are cases of fraud by selling items without actually having game items. In particular, the victims are many young people, so parents should pay special attention … Read more