통신등급 조회 Check communication level inquiry (SK, KT)

Let’s look at how to check the communication rating of the three telecommunication companies (SKT, KT, LG) and how to raise the communication rating. ​ Telecommunication rating refers to the rating calculated by the telecommunication company to determine the user’s creditworthiness. ​ Existing financial transaction companies used credit ratings to determine repayment ability, but recently, … Read more

온누리상품권 사용처 Where to use the Onnuri Gift Certificate

In this article, I would like to introduce in detail where to use the Onnuri Gift Certificate and where to purchase it. Onnuri Gift Certificates have been issued since 2009 to promote regional economic development and traditional markets. It is a virtuous cycle structure where consumers purchase gift certificates at low prices at the cost … Read more

주유소 가격비교 gas station price comparison

Provides the fastest fuel price information (gas station) based on your current location. When the price of a specific gas station changes, information that is not reflected may be provided for about 3-4 hours, but this problem also occurs in all oil price information-providing sites and applications, including the Korea National Oil Corporation website and … Read more

농협 금융인증서 발급방법 How to issue a financial certificate and how to register a certificate from another Nonghyup organization

Today, in the existing accredited certificate A more convenient and secure financial authentication service newly created information about financial certificates and 농협 금융인증서 발급방법 Among the various institutions that can issue a financial certificate, For example, how to obtain an issuance from the Nonghyup I want to inform you. ​​ What is a financial certificate? … Read more

카카오뱅크 계좌개설 Print out a copy of Kabang Kakao Bank passbook and issue an account opening confirmation

public offering ​ ✔The public offering price is fixed at 300,000 won!!💸 ✔ 38.18% of institutions that spent 300,000 won Institutions with more than 300,000 won accounted for 39.94%. Most domestic institutions made commitments and To get the most out of it, 6 months was the most. However, foreigners said that almost no confirmation was … Read more

토스 신용등급 조회 Score management method through Toss credit rating inquiry

Today we are going to learn about Tos credit rating. We’ll also check the Toss credit score, which affects your rating, and briefly show you how to raise it. And first, let’s start by looking at the system that will change from January 1, 2021. ​ credit score system In accordance with the improvement plan … Read more