아파트 공시지가 조회 방법 You need to get what you get back

When paying property tax, acquisition tax, and local government tax, 아파트 공시지가 조회 방법 the National Tax Service collects them conservatively in many cases. There is another way to check the tax refund that has been over-collected. Please refer to the article below. What I learned while looking for a refund I was curious about the … Read more

차상위계층 증명서 발급 Issuance of certificates for the next upper class

Today, we are going to talk about how to issue a confirmation certificate for the next higher class. Let’s find out. The government targets low-income groups We are implementing various welfare policies. In the case of the second-highest class, the recognized amount of income is Households with less than 50% of the median income. The … Read more

국민은행 마이너스통장 Kookmin Bank Public Official Minus Passbook Loan Qualifications

If you have an annual income of around 21 million won and you can only borrow 5 million won in cash, how would you handle it if you need 10 million won in a hurry? Or, what would you do if you have about 90 million won of loan to repay, but you are faced … Read more

국민카드 사용등록 Register to use Kookmin Card gift card and receive income deduction

[Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education Student Meal Card Guide] ​ Your student meal card can be used from June 1, 22nd. <Go to Card Use Registration> 국민카드 사용등록 ​ March to May is the selection period for recipients, and unpaid meals are paid retroactively in June. ​ There were many inquiries by e-mail, but … Read more

국민은행 한도제한계좌 How to cancel Kookmin Bank’s limit-limited account and change or increase the transfer limit

It’s a lot of money that I’ve been collecting. ​ At that time, even if they visit and open an account, they said that it is a limit-limited account if there is no separate documentary evidence. ​ But now I’m trying to change to Toss Bank, so the transfer limit is 300,000 won…… First of … Read more

국민은행 마이핏통장 Comparison of National Myfit Pay Passbook

The KB 樂Star passbook can be said to be the beginning of my stake in this KB Kookmin Bank that has no benefits. ​ Although the new date is written in 2010, it is not that a Rockstar account was actually opened on that date. I remember converting the KBStart account I used to rockstar … Read more

최종학력증명서 발급 Issuance of the final academic certificate

You can apply for a certificate of academic background on the Government 24 website and obtain it from the nearest community center. Unfortunately (!?) the fee is 1,000 won. 2021.10.28 – [Information] – [Government 24] How to get free internet resident registration certificate [Government 24] How to get a free Internet resident registration certificate How … Read more