주휴수당 my acquaintances are working part-time

Since the recession is still in progress, many of my acquaintances are working part-time while preparing for a job. Unlike in the past, if you work for a certain amount of time, you can sign up for workers’ compensation insurance and receive weekly vacation pay. It seems that there are still quite a few people … Read more

해외주식 양도소득세 신고 방법 How to report overseas stock transfer income tax The easy and convenient way

First, from January 1 to December 31 If you make a profit from buying and selling foreign stocks for one year The remaining amount after deducting commissions from overseas stock trading gains Tax accrued when the amount exceeds 250,000 won # Overseas stock transfer income tax. From January 1st to December 31st 22% of the … Read more

청춘대로 톡톡카드 View KB Kookmin Youth Avenue Talk Talk Card benefits

50% off Starbucks KB Youth Road Talk Talk Card ​ Last time I posted about credit cards. What card do you use the most? There was a time when it was called KB Youth Boulevard Talk Talk Card. 청춘대로 톡톡카드 ​ I’ve been using it for about half a year now. KB Kookmin Card for … Read more

근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 you can easily prepare for home tax

However, if you are taking out a loan, we ask for a withholding receipt, so if you check if it can be replaced, you can prepare an income certificate. 근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 Usually, if you win a housing subscription, you can issue it as an unmanned issuance machine at the Dong office, and you can easily … Read more

KB모바일인증서 발급 Star Banking KB mobile certificate issuance

​This time, I signed up for KB Kookmin Bank. Other banks were also using it, but what I liked most of all was that the speed was a bit fast. Most of the things related to Kookmin Bank were installed. Among them, KB Star Banking was installed first!!​ When you turn on the first screen, … Read more

유튜브 바로가기 만들기 Create YouTube Shortcut Chrome While

If you are using a cell phone these days, you probably have one of the apps that you use the most. One of them is probably YouTube. Even in my case, I use YouTube a lot along with SNS such as KakaoTalk/Facebook/Insta, but unlike mobile, when viewing YouTube through a PC, I have to click … Read more

2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 Low-income people who have a hard time

Hello, this is Donu who shares economic and administrative information. ​In Korea, as prescribed by the National Basic Livelihood Security Act, 2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 For those who have been selected as recipients of We provide support and discounts, etc. ​What we will learn today is administrative information. Required to receive support and exemption benefits How … Read more

국민은행 통장사본 Kookmin Bank statement Saving and printing

Most of the companies set up a main bank and use it, but if you set it as the main transaction, they give you benefits such as transferring money or borrowing cheaper when borrowing. The company I work for has designated us and the people as the main banks. So, you can choose the place … Read more