아동급식카드 발급 조건 Child Meal Card Qualification Conditions Inquiry of member store balance by region

아동급식카드 발급 조건Child Meal Card Qualification Conditions Merchant Store Balance Inquiry Since 2005, each local government has been implemented individually. According to local government ordinances, city, county and district children’s meal service committees are formed to determine meal targets, unit price, and method of use, so there are slight differences in business methods from region … Read more

아동급식카드 발급 조건 Child Meal Card Qualification Conditions Inquiry of merchant balance by region

아동급식카드 발급 조건Child Meal Card Qualification Conditions Merchant Store Balance Inquiry Since 2005, each local government has been implemented individually. According to local government ordinances, city, county and district children’s meal service committees are formed to determine meal targets, unit price, and method of use, so there are slight differences in business methods from region … Read more