우리카드 분실신고 How to report the loss of Woori Card, reissue or cancel it What is the customer center number?

우리카드 분실신고When you lose your wallet, it is more dangerous and more annoying than losing money. In the case of those who use our card, we will briefly summarize how to report it and how to reissue and cancel it. As a method of using the Woori Bank Customer Center ARS, you can report it … Read more

우리카드 분실신고 Woori Card Customer Center (new registration, loss report, cancellation and business hours information)

I hate to think about it, but sometimes I lose my credit card. In this case, it is necessary to report the loss as soon as possible to prevent secondary accidents. So, in this post, we are going to learn how to report lost and reissue our card. ​ In general, there are three ways … Read more