cgv 고객센터 전화번호 How to directly connect to a CGV customer center agent… How easy it is to connect to a customer service agent!

cgv 고객센터 전화번호Guys, the other day, I had an experience of being reported for selling CGV movie tickets using Giftista. I was told to cancel. So, I called the CGV customer center, but no matter how many times I pressed the number given to me, the agent did not come out. Most of these days, if you press 0, the agent will be connected right away, but I thought that CGV did not connect to the agent to protect the agent, but only set up an automatic response…

Ha, ji, man In this day and age, there is no way you can’t connect to a customer service representative. If there are many people like me, even if you visit the CGV customer center on the portal site, there are many people who have difficulty connecting to a counselor. Here’s how you do it. There’s a way to connect you directly to an agent!

Customer center number: 1544-1122
Connect with an agent 4-3-0

I use CGV the most as a movie theater, and I will also record it and share it with you in case I forget. If you need to use the CGV Customer Center in the future, press 4-3-0 to connect with an agent!


cgv 고객센터 전화번호
