GS25 반값택배 조회방법 How to check GS25 half-price delivery

GS convenience stores offer half-price delivery services. It can be said that the delivery method and price are the same. Below, we will learn how to track GS half-price delivery and how to receive and send reservation prices.

GS25 반값택배 조회

GS25 반값택배 조회

easy table of contents
What is GS half-price delivery?
GS half price delivery inquiry
GS half price delivery price
How to receive half-price delivery from gs convenience store
How to send GS half-price delivery service
What is GS half-price delivery?
What is GS half-price delivery?
As the name suggests, half-price delivery is cheaper, so delivery time can take 2 to 4 days, which is twice that of regular delivery.

This is a structure in which the recipient of the parcel visits a pre-designated gs25 convenience store to receive the parcel rather than his or her home.

It was mainly used by students, but recently it has become popular with people who are concerned about protecting their personal information and are reluctant to reveal their addresses.

Area of ​​use: GS25 stores excluding Jeju Island and islands
Weight: 5 kg or less Total of three sides: 80 cm or less Width+length+height
Product value less than 500,000 won
Half-price delivery: Within 4 days including the date of receipt (within 2-3 days in the same area)
Jeju Island is only available at gs25 in Jeju Island, and delivery period is approximately 2 to 3 days.

👉gs25 convenience store delivery
GS half price delivery inquiry
Since delivery takes a long time, you may be curious about the real-time delivery location. Half-price delivery service is normally collected and delivered on Sundays and public holidays.

GS Half Price Delivery Tracking
By entering the tracking number, you can check the current delivery status every 30 minutes.

👉Half price delivery tracking
GS half price delivery price
weight price
~500g 1,800 won
~1kg 2,200 won
~5kg 2,600 won
gs half price courier price list

All delivery items must be packaged in a box or bubble wrap envelope to protect the contents.
The dimensions of the delivery product are that the sum of the width, length, and height is less than 80cm and the weight is less than 5kg.
We cannot accept expensive products worth more than 500,000 won.
Food, liquids, glass, precious metals, and letters are prohibited.
If the package is not packaged, it may be refused when picked up by the courier.
If you install the Our Neighborhood GS25 app, you can spend less money with various event benefits. Currently, there is a promotion going on where you can use it for 1,800 won regardless of weight for a month.

👇Download the gs25 app

Google Play Store gs25 app download
App Store gs25 app download
How to receive half-price delivery from gs convenience store
When the sender completes the delivery application and the package arrives at the convenience store, the arrival QR code is sent to the recipient. Scan the QR code at a convenience store or box25 (storage box) to receive your delivery.

If the QR code cannot be confirmed or has not been sent, please request a resend.

👉Request to resend QR code
How to send GS half-price parcel
Find the gs25 convenience store delivery reception desk
Not all gs25 convenience stores can send parcels. Some places are small or do not have a postbox system. Find a convenience store that offers delivery by checking the reception desk below.

👉Find the reception desk
Courier reservations can be made on-site, regardless of whether you are a member or a non-member. Both pre-payment and cash-on-delivery are possible.

Half-price delivery customer service phone number: 1544-4101

Weekdays 09-18:00, Saturdays 09-13:00 / Weekdays lunch hours: 12:30~13:30