K패스 신청 및 혜택(Kpass,K-PASS) K Pass application and benefits (Kpass, K-PASS)

If you are concerned about rising transportation costs and worsening environmental problems,
There is a way to solve both of these problems.K패스 신청

K패스 신청

The way to do this is by using K-PASS (K-pass, K-pass).
Let’s check out what’s different about K-PASS, which is currently being used as an economical transportation card.

Learn more about the economical transportation card

If I live in Seoul, transportation costs are over 62,000 won per month!
In that case, it is beneficial to use the Climate Companion Card.

Click the button below to apply for transportation cost savings with the Climate Companion Card right away!

Apply for the Climate Companion Card right away


#What is K-PASS?

K-PASS (K Pass, K Pass) is what I use.
Transportation costs for public transportation
This is a transportation card that provides a refund of 20% to 53%.

Currently, it is being used as an economical transportation card.
From May 2024, the economical transportation card will be replaced with K-PASS.

It is said that it will be changed so that it is more convenient and can earn higher points than the economical transportation card currently being used.
It seems like expectations are growing even more.



#K-PASS refund criteria

K-PASS is a card that anyone, regardless of gender or age, can apply for without any conditions such as income or job requirements.
However, differential refunds are made depending on age and income!

20% for general adults;
30 percent of young people aged 19 to 34;
And basic recipients and low-income earners will receive a refund at a rate of 53 percent.


#K-PASS refund conditions

However, in order to receive a refund, you must use public transportation more than a certain number of times!

You must use public transportation more than 15 times a month.
You can receive a refund up to 60 times.


#Differences from economical transportation cards

Currently, many people are using economical transportation cards.
The K-PASS that will be introduced in the future will have several differences.

First, it is said that calculating the travel distance by pressing the departure and arrival buttons at the departure and arrival points will disappear.

Second, it was a differential payment in which the accumulated amount of public transportation used varies depending on the distance traveled, but this part is also said to be disappearing.

Ultimately, mileage is accumulated consistently based on the amount of public transportation used, regardless of the distance traveled.

“Then how can I apply for this convenient K-PASS?”



#How to apply for K-PASS

K-Pass will be available from May 2024.

If you are already using an economical transportation card,
There is no need to cancel your economical transportation card,
You can apply to change to a K-Pass starting in May.

Therefore, currently using an economical transportation card,
If the K-Pass comes out in May, you can apply to change your use then.

If you are not yet using an economical transportation card,
Please go to the link below and apply for an economical transportation card!

Apply for an economical transportation card


Apply for Climate Companion Card